S1, E2 PART 2

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"Uh Hoogaveen is in Holland" Oh bloody hell.

"Oh for god sakes man you teach geography" Pickwell says rolling her eyes.

"Mitch, Remdogg their all dutch!" I whisper shout.

The first boy walks out of the bus and we all sigh a bit dissapointed, but then the second boy walks out.

"Holy shit" I say staring at the boy. Mitch rolls his eyes, he seemed a little angry to be completly honest.

"Oh my god! Get that boy to the wheelie bins now!" Chant says looking straight at the boy.

"Oh shut up you two he's well bent ain't he Steven?" Mitch says playfully pushing me.

"Well if he isn't I'll bend him!" Steven says in response.

Then a girl with brown hair walks off the bus looking straight at Mitchell and winking. Mitch just rolls his eyes and puts his arm around my shoulder and I smile.

We all walk inside and he still has his arm around my shoulder.

"Mitchy you good?" I smile at him as we sit back down in our seats Mitch still having his around my shoulder.

"Yea I'm all good" He smiles and looks at Fraser who had just welcomed us.

"Don't block the camera!" I think that was fat Alice's mum said to Rosie.

"Camera are you filming this?" Rosie asks while moving away.

"I'm streaming in on mums net" Fat Alice's mum says.

"Oh fuck mums net!" I yell  rolling my eyes at the sound of bloody mums net.

"Funk you very much for that now im glad you could all make it to one of our live sex shows sorry live asses on sex.. Sex Ed class! Not a live sex show" Classic Fraser the king of banter town. "Now I know your all a little bit worred about your kids mingling with the French students and their jubius sexual outlook but fear not because luckily our students are in-fact Dutch!"

Three Dutch students walk into the class room, one with brown hair and the girl and boy from the bus before.

The boy with blonde hair winks at me and I wink back. I look at Mitchell and he is giving the biggest death stare towards the Dutch boy. Then Alfie walks in...

"Settle down brothers and sisters it's time to share where have I been? Good question! Well I've been sat in a room getting to know my penis" He says holding up a small drawing of a dick and then pulling out a bigger one, "And you know what? He's a pretty great guy, cause miss G's right, how can you get to know your penis if you don't get to know mine" Oh god that's disgusting.

"That's out of context!" Rosie adds with a sigh.

"What if we don't have a dick?" I yell laughing.

"Shut up Alexandra!" I roll my eyes and my full name, "you don't need books or library's! All of the answers are in here" he continues pointing to the zip on his pants, "the pant library, so next chapter sex, I thought you guys should share, is there anything anyone wants to share with the group? Joe!" Oh poor Joe. "Maybe something you might like to tell us? Some honesty I might have inspired?"

"No" Joe says nervously, this isn't going to end well for either of them.

"It's all about making everyone happy, it's just our bodies guys have fun!" The Dutch boy says looking around the class room.

"I'm sorry we aren't talking about fun and happiness Hoogaveen we are talking about sex yea but if you arent mature enough to share with the group thats fine!"

My Wickers (LEXI WICKERS X MITCHELL HARPER)Where stories live. Discover now