Chapter 3

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Tony and Amelia spent the night studying and trying to figure out Loki's plan. The only theory is the worst one- he is going to use the most powerful energy source on Earth to take over. Tony called Phil to get Amelia and leave her on the helicarrier. He can't have another enemy of his escaping and then trying to kill his kid. In the meantime, Tony found out that Loki is in Stuttgart, Germany and headed there. Amelia got to the helicarrier and was given a shield looking suit to wear. They always give her one just incase. Amelia looks all over the helicarrier in awe. She has never been on one before. She walks in and says her usual greetings to those she knows- such as the director Nick Fury, his right hand Agent Maria Hill, and she already said her greetings to Phil. Walking past the group she spotted the famous Bruce Banner, or the Hulk. Despite making news headlines awhile back, her father talks high of him. Not that Tony or Bruce new each other but Bruce did work with Gamma Radiation which caught her father's eye. She never wrapped her head around how Gamma Radiation spared her compared to Bruce. "Hello Dr. Banner," She smiles, making her way over to him to shake his hand. Bruce is in shock from her respectful nature she has to him. "I am familiar with your work."

"You are the famous Amelia Stark..The..uh.. better survivor of Gamma Radiation." He fidgets with his hands. Amelia feels the awkwardness in the room and wishes she could get a drink. A wave of nausea overcomes her and excuses herself to the bathroom. She exhales a shaky breath as she locks the door. She hates being so close to SHIELD. They all just stare at her and micromanage her. Looking in the mirror causes feelings of rage and annoyance. The deep red bruising under her droopy green eyes, the pale color of her face and her utter display of weakness makes her insecure. The beeping from her watch indicates that her heart rate is rising too quickly and too high- she is having a panic attack. Quickly she ruffles through her small black bag and pulls out a bottle of prozac to calm her nerves. The prozac isn't hers, it's actually a friend's from college who works in the pharmacy department. Amelia can't get herself to tell her dad about the anxiety so this is the next best thing. She doesn't want him to be disappointed in her, she is still trying to wash the guilt off of him and get him to see her for her. She splashes some cold water on her face to cool herself down. Stepping out of her bathroom she witnesses SHIELD agents taking away the infamous Loki to his cell. As he approaches in chains, he locks eyes with her intensely. His green orbs looking deep into her own. He holds the stare as she furrows her eyebrows in confusion. Where has she seen this man before? As she keeps her confused face, he passes with a small smirk, and waves. She tenses in fear and watches till they turn in the hall. 'What a fucking creep.' She thinks, reassuring herself that he is just playing mind games with all of them.  Suddenly she winces due to a pain in her chest. She slides down against the wall, and leans her head back. Her breathing slows down and she closes her eyes for a moment. 

"Hey, Amelia...Are you okay?" Phil spots her, walking over to her. 'Fuck.' She thinks. She definitely looks like a complete oddball to be sitting in the middle of the hallway while a murderer is just down the way.

"Oh yea, hey Coulson." She shakily gets up. "I was just a bit dizzy, nothing crazy." He doesn't believe her that is obvious enough. His face flashes with guilt and shame that he covers with a smile.

"Why don't we get you to meet the whole team?"

"I don't know...Maybe I should just stay here? Or in a room or something? I don't want to be a bother to the mission."

"Don't be silly. Hey, there is an alien on the team right now. Don't miss your chance to meet him. His hair is heavenly, believe me." He nudges her a little giving her a smile. She eventually folds and laughs a bit while she follows him. They walk into the main room with all the shield agents working. She is walking in during the middle of the conversation.

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