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Tess and I walk onto the Cameron's yacht, immediately seeing Rafe, Sarah, Topper, and Kelce sitting on the floor in a small circle, looking like a little therapy session.

"Holy shit!" Sarah says. She's sitting next to her boyfriend Topper, looking up at us as we walk in. "You guys like gorgeous!" 

Tess smiles and goes in for a hug. "Did you appreciate the Euphoria references that I put into Y/N's look?"

Sarah looks at me. "Um, of course. Now, take a seat. We're just starting our drinking game," Sarah explains, taking a seat next to Topper. Tess sits next to Rafe, and I sit by Kelce.

"Alright, so, I picked up this drinking game from Target," Topper says, pulling the card game out of a grocery bag. "It's called 'You Laugh You Lose.'"

Sarah gathers her hair and tosses it over her shoulders. "Topp and I saw it earlier today and thought it sounded fun so we bought it!"

"And, you play exactly how it sounds," Topper explains. "Each person will take turns picking a card. You have to do what the card says. If you laugh, you take a drink, therefore losing that round."

"And then I brought the booze... I just grabbed vodka for shots and some white claws, I guess," Kelce says, putting them in the middle of the circle along with some shot glasses.

"Y/N, did you remember the Coke?" Rafe says, looking at me.

The fuck? 

"Rafe, you had it last. Did you really lose it?" I answer. I try to catch him in a lie but it's not working. "Are you serious?"

He laughs and throws it in the center of our circle by the drinks. "I'm joking," he answers with a smile, eyes kind.

This is different.

I smile back and look at the ground, shaking my head.

And to think I wasn't that gullible...

"Okay, I want to go first!" Sarah says, voice full of excitement. She pulls a card from the deck and laughs. "Oh shit, you guys are fucked. Ummmm, get your shots ready, everybody!"

I playfully scoff along with everyone else.

"Yeah sure... I'm sure it's gonna be so funny. Just so fucking funny!" Rafe says sarcastically. Despite his comment, he begins to fill up his shot glass along with everyone else, smiling at the ground.

Sarah laughs once more before putting the card face down and looking Topper dead in the eyes.

"'Now, I done grew up 'round some people, living their life in bottles, grandaddy had the golden flask,'" she says. 

For a split second, we all share blank stares with each other, not catching on. I look at Sarah for a hint, only she has the straightest face I have ever seen. 

Then, it clicks, simultaneously: it's Kendrick Lamar.

I try to hold my laugh in as I watch my friends and their facial expressions get more confused as time goes on.

She goes on. "'Backstroke every day in Chicago, some people like the way it feels, some people wanna kill their sorrows, some people wanna fit in with the popular, that was my problem. I was in the dark room, loud tunes, looking to make a vow soon that Imma get fucked up fillin' my cup I see the crowd move, changing by the minute and the record on repeat,'" she stares at Topper and crawls into his lap and looks even deeper into his eyes.

I see him eye Rafe, shrugging, fucking... clueless.

It's getting harder and harder to contain my laughter.

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