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I wake up to the sun shining brightly in my face, the sun rays leaking in from my balcony door. I groan and sit up, stretching. With a yawn, I get out of my bed and whine when I realize my head is pounding.

I can thank the endless cups of alcohol that I drank last night for that one.

I walk into my bathroom, deciding to splash some cold water on myself. I'm greeted with my beautiful face, consisting of smeared makeup and purple eye bags. Not to mention my hair in a very messy ponytail.

I somehow manage to stumble my way to the kitchen without falling down the stairs and get some painkillers. I open the medicine cabinet and get out the bottle. I open it and dump it into my hand, when five pills fall out and into my greedy hands. Even though I know the dose isn't that high, I end up throwing them all into my mouth and chug a glass of water to get the pills down. I hear a door creak, then I simultaneously squint when light peers through the open front door. Tess.

"Y/N?" she hollers. She smiles when we meet eyes.

"What are you doing here?" I say while plopping myself down onto a barstool, finishing the sentence with a yawn. I rest my head in my hands, using my fingers to knead my temples to try to ease the endless throbbing.

"Hey to you too. I came over to check that you're alive after the party last night and that you survived the hurricane; which, I see that you did," she says, taking a seat next to me.

I jerk my head up and make eye contact with the brunette.

I forgot about the hurricane, and damn, now I know how hammered I actually got if I managed to stay asleep during a fucking hurricane.

"Wow, you look like shit."

Honestly, she didn't have to tell me twice. I'm still wearing my outfit that I was in last night, my skirt twisted so that the zipper is no longer in the front. I glance down at my tits, making sure that they're still covered by my top.

"And you're looking as beautiful as ever, Tess, damn!" I respond defensively. "Hey, could you make me a coffee?"

She laughs. "Yeah, yeah... And shut up, you know what I mean. Don't take it personal." Tess walks a few steps to the coffee maker and starts brewing something.

"I guess I'll go get ready then if I look so awful..." As I'm walking away, I shout back to her, "When I get back, would you wanna go check out the damage outside?"

She snorts through a laugh. "Yes ma'am!"

I smile and walk to my room.

I end up wearing a pair of black sweatpants, a matching sports bra with socks and sandals.  Making my way back to my bathroom, I brush my hair and secure it back with a hair claw. I wash my face, put some deodorant on, put on a thin layer of mascara, and reminisce about all the fun I had yesterday.

The music...

The drinks...

The drugs...

I shake myself out of my euphoric thoughts and run back downstairs when I'm finished getting ready. 

Tess is already standing at the bottom of the stairs, extending my cup of coffee to me. I gladly take it, smiling at her.

I gawk looking around at the complete disaster in front of me as she opens the door. We walk down the wooden patio, and I notice that some trees are fully ripped out of the soil, their roots making an appearance in the grass. There are huge twigs and leaves scattered all around... it's a mess.

I flinch at the loud sound of yard tools being used in both my yard and the Camerons'. Damn, Hank and Ward are already having people cleaning up their yards... Talk about fucking priorities, jeez.

intoxicated- rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now