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Soon enough, we're all in our bathing suits, laying on the Cameron's pool chairs with our sunglasses on, talking away a storm once again. I would say it's relaxing, but with the constant sound of chainsaws, lawnmowers, and workers groaning in the boiling heat, relaxing isn't quite the word I would use.

"Jeez man, this is nuts," Topper says, looking at the ruined landscape before us.

"Hey, I'll be right back guys," Sarah says. She's jogging toward one of her other neighbors and a little girl.

Rafe ignores her. "Agatha's a bitch!"

"Damn right she is," Kelce adds on, looking up the big trees getting worked on.

"Look, I'm sorry guys but I can't get it out of my head... The night of the beach party-" Topper starts.

Tess scoffs. "Here we go again."

I laugh, silently agreeing.

"I mean, at the beach, JJ said it was'the Kook's move next.' Not to mention what John B said about getting us back yesterday-"

"I know, man!" Kelce agrees. "He had a semi-automatic! Safety off!"

"It's just the fucking Pogues man, I don't know what you expected," Rafe says behind his sunglasses. "You know, you should get a piece."

Tess and I look at each other, eyes wide. "What? No-" Tess and I say in unison.

Rafe looks at the two of us like we're insane. "Don't listen to them. Look, you gotta fight fire with fire, man."

"Right," Kelce goes on. "It's better to get caught without one until-"

"You're going to get them back, right?" Rafe questions.

Kelce makes a face. "Tell me you are-"

Topper interrupts, obviously deep in thought. "Listen, guys, I'm gonna get 'em back, alright? I'm making it a little project of mine."

Kelce and Rafe smile and look at each other while Tess and I exchange worried looks.

"This can't be good," Tess mutters under her breath.

"Yeah, yeah... This is gonna be great," Kelce says.

Rafe nods along.

I shake my head and look into the distance, seeing Sarah talking to that little girl I saw her running toward earlier.

"Guys, what is she doing?" I ask, pointing in her direction. Sarah is now walking across a piece of wood, balancing on a boat that's halfway underwater.

Rafe sighs. "Watch her fall and make a big drama out of it," he finishes, rolling his tongue in his mouth.

Suddenly, Rose yells, her voice louder than the machinery around us. "Hey, there's 14,000 volts in those wires!"

Sarah looks back at her and laughs, stumbling on a piece of wood, letting out a little squeal.

"Hey, Sarah, be careful!" Topper shouts back at her, worry full in his expression.

Rose further onto her deck, making a noise of disgust. "Sarah, get down now!"

Sarah laughs once more. "Rose calm down, I'm an athlete! I got this!"

Rose doesn't bother with Sarah's little propaganda and keeps going. "You're gonna get electrocuted! Get down!"

"She just wants the attention, just like she always has," Rafe goes on. Even though he has his sunglasses on, I can tell that he's irritated.

Sarah turns back towards us all, putting on a show by dancing on the wood.

"Sarah!" Rose yells, ripping off her sunglasses and squinting off to her stepdaughter in the distance. "Just wait until I tell Ward!"

intoxicated- rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now