Chapter 18: Prophecy

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Nene gasped at the sight of him, and Lucy closed her book, her attention fully on us now. Despite everyone in the room knowing that Iban was my familiar and about the prophecy that tied us together, it was still a spectacle to see Iban. Iban was so nonchalant and chill that he absolutely hated anyone who tried to coddle or be near him; much like normal house cats from what I have heard. That was probably why he stuck around me the most because he knew that I would only do things that he wanted (mostly). Well, he stuck around me and Akan sometimes when I wasn't around because Akan didn't seem to care if Iban wanted to just be near him for warmth. That was the opposite of Nene and Drac who constantly tried to touch him, and Romand and Lucy who tried to study him and learn from him. Which was why everyone in the room perked up at the sight of Iban.

"Why are you here?" I muttered. And why must I carry you? Iban, as if hearing my internal question, snuggled further in my arms, then on my lap as I sat back down.

"I heard your King was getting married, of course, I had to come to see what was going on." Iban's eyes were shut as he spoke, causing me to question what he was really here to do. However, in response, I rolled my eyes.

"He's not my—"

"Hi, Iban!" Nene called out, somehow making her way to my left side and reaching to stroke Iban. Iban, noticing this happening, hopped up quickly and spun around in an attitude, and hissed at her. Nene wasn't phased though and quickly managed to get in a few pats before he darted out of my arms and towards Akan, hissing once more and hiding behind Akan as a way to shield himself. Akan didn't seem phased and instead watched Iban with minimal movement.

"We were actually discussing safety movements for the king's wedding, Iban." Romand chimed in, ignoring Nene's cries for his attention. Iban seemed to let out a scoff.

"Why does that matter? Just do what you did for the inauguration." Iban responded, his eyes still watching Nene as she tried to move closer to him.

"Do you think that will work?" Lucy asked. She moved from her spot far away from the scene. Her and Drac making their way over towards us, finally seemingly interested in the conversation. "It obviously didn't work last time with the inauguration. How well will it work this time?" Lucy, unlike the other members, greatly appreciated and valued Iban's opinion, warranting Iban to play and joke around with her. However, possibly due to the atmosphere, he didn't seem to want to do that this time.

"Well, it's not like you can really change up the situation just by simply adding more mages. Just be more aware, you don't really have a say in how everything runs, just in how well you'll guard the area." The room stayed silent, as everyone pondered over his words, Lucy seemingly taking them more seriously than others. Iban, as if wondering how stupid we all were, sighed and made his way towards Akan's right side, near the railing of the stairs, and spoke up. "Well, even if you are pondering over the safety of the wedding, the first thing you need to do is know the layout. The exits, the entrances, the balconies, the extra space, everything you need to know about the ballroom. Have you guys looked at what would work best given the situation?" Romand nodded in response.

"Of course, we've been discussing the layout."

"Then why don't you have a map?" Romand frowned at him.

"A map? It isn't necessary, we've all been there multiple times–"

"A map is always necessary," Iban cut him off, hopping down from the small staircase and darting past Nene towards the door. "However, not to worry, I will go and get the map from the Royal Library to show you what needs to be done. Alan, let's go." I froze, then my frown deepened as I looked over at Iban.

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