"I'm not I just would rather get it today than pay shipping and have it 5 days from now, you just hate driving" he said

"You're right"

"Your moms calling, are you gonna answer?" He asked holding up her phone

"Uhhh, no" she thought briefly about it and decided she didn't want to speak to her.

"Ok" he said putting her phone down on the end table next to the couch.

"Ok, what?" She asked. She knew he had more to say but kept quiet because he knew the subject was sensitive to her.

"Just ok, if you don't feel up to talking to her you shouldn't"


"I just think if she calls again I think you should answer, just see what it's about." He said shrugging

"You don't have to be afraid to give me advice, I won't get mad at you" she explained

"I know I just don't want you to think I'm against you in any way" he stated grabbing her hand

"I know you're not" she gave him a reassuring smile before he kissed her hand.

"Well she didn't call again so" Aubrey shrugged before putting her phone ringer back on.

"You smell like a baby, did you steal my lotion?"

"It's not like you don't have more" he said

"It's not like I don't know.. you can't buy your own"

"What's mine is yours right?" He asked. She simply just rolled her eyes.
"Hey Aubrey" Leah said

"No" Aubrey said going back to folding clothes on the display table.

"Didn't know people said no to greetings"

"Well I do to yours, I'm not doing you any favors it bit me in the ass last time" Aubrey said recalling the time she lied to make them friends again.

"What's it gonna take, just get me in the room with him I'll do whatever you want. Just please help me get my friend back" she pleaded following Aubrey around the store.

"I'm staying out of it Leah" Aubrey said trying to remind herself more than convincing Leah.

"What's it gonna take?" She asked

"Nothing, I'm not helping you" Aubrey said

"Come on, really look into that big heart of yours. I know Josiah is down without us" she said

"If he was down, he'd forgive you, no?"

"Aubrey please, I'm begging. If you won't do it for me do it for Darren"

"Fine I will get you and Darren in the room with him, that is it"

"Thank you" she said clasping her hands together in victory.

"What was she doing here?" Joi asked

"She wants me to make her and Josiah friends again"

"Hope you told her to kiss your ass" Joj said giving her a look.

"watch your mouth" Aubrey said

"So you're going to help her?" She asked

"I'm helping Darren, she just happens to be apart of it." Aubrey said once again trying to convince herself.

Once her shift ended she decided to get the plan in motion and have Josiah meet her at her house.

"I got food" Josiah said coming into the apartment.

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