The End... Maybe?

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Beomgyu was the most scared he had ever been in his life. not only had the love of his life been taken away from him in a cruel way, he was also hiding behind a bush while watching Yeonjun stand around the cornucopia. he knew it was now or never, and he promised Taehyun that he would win the games.

so that was what he was going to do

the brunette loaded up an arrow onto his bow before aiming it at the district one male. as Beomgyu let go of the arrow, Yeonjun turned around and noticed the weapon flying his way. he quickly ducked out of the way and scoffed as he saw Beomgyu come out from behind the bushes.

"is that the best you've got? it looks like lover boy took your skills with him as he left, not that he had much skills himself anyway". those words made Beomgyu's nervousness turn into anger. he was about to shoot another arrow when the sky suddenly went dark.

the sudden change also caught Yeonjun off guard. there was soon sounds of growls heard from the distance and Beomgyu immediately knew what it was. the dogs were back. he took this chance to run over to the cornucopia, jumping on top of it when he reached it.

Yeonjun must have had the same idea, because the two males soon came face to face on top. Yeonjun went to lift up his spear with a smirk, only for it to be grabbed in the mouth by one of the dogs. the creature dropped the spear in the ground, making it's pointy end stick up.

the older male's smirk fell quickly, giving Beomgyu the chance to load up another arrow and shoot it towards Yeonjun. Yeonjun then ducked out of the way and let out a small scream as one of his feet slipped off of the edge of the cornucopia, almost sending him into the mouths of the dogs.

he was then shocked when he felt a hand pulling him back up. it was Beomgyu. Yeonjun then chuckled while wiping down his trousers. "what? you wanted to kill me yourself? come on, do it". Beomgyu quickly threw his bow to the side and swung a punch onto Yeonjun's face.

the older stumbled a little but stood back up with a smirk and some blood dripping from his nose. Beomgyu watched as Yeonjun wiped the blood from under his nose, unfazed. the dog like creatures continued to jump up and claw at the cornucopia from all sides, leaving no room to escape.

Yeonjun then jumped forward, landing on Beomgyu, and had a firm grip on the youngers neck. Beomgyu grabbed at Yeonjun's hands as he slowly felt all of the air leaving his lungs. raspy gasps left his lips as he used the last of his strength to push Yeonjun off of him.

the then leaped onto the older and did the same motions, this time Yeonjun's head was hanging over the edge of the cornucopia, ready to be eaten by the dogs at any time. it was at that moment Beomgyu saw the tears leaving Yeonjun's eyes.

it was the first time he had seen any sort of emotion other than anger leave the older males body. his grip loosened at the realisation, letting Yeonjun push him back. the two continued to fight until they were covered in blood and out of breath.

"didn't think you were this strong, kid". Beomgyu looked up and glared over at Yeonjun as those words left the olders mouth. "i promised Taehyun i would win, i'm not breaking that promise". Yeonjun sarcastically pouted as he stood up and walked closer.

"well too bad. lover boy is dead and it's sad he won't be here to see me kill you". the two males began fighting again only for it to end with Beomgyu cornering Yeonjun to the edge of the cornucopia. the dog creatures were still jumping up at the sides, ready to kill anything and anyone that came their way.

Beomgyu stepped closer to Yeonjun and let out a deep sigh. "i really don't want to hurt you, but you killed Taehyun". he brought his hands up to Yeonjun's chest and pushed against the older as hard as he could, causing him to grab onto Beomgyu's hands before falling over the edge.

Yeonjun's hands gripped onto the edge of the cornucopia and Beomgyu could hear the horrifying screams coming from the older as he was slipping down and being eaten alive by the dogs. in that moment, everything hit him at once and he began sobbing to himself.

when he looked back up, the dark skies had turned blue and the dogs had disappeared. all of a sudden, the wind picked up above him and he looked up to see a helicopter slowly lowering onto the field in front of him. a loud voice then echoed through the arena.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, may i present your winner of the 75th annual hunger games, Choi Beomgyu from District Twelve!"

the voice stopped and everything went silent. he then looked down at his hands and another tear fell as he noticed all of the blood. his and Yeonjun's blood. he then looked back up and over towards the helicopter that had now landed. the doors opened and out stepped Namjoon, his mentor.

Beomgyu quickly jumped down from the top of the cornucopia and ran over to Namjoon, engulfing the older male into a tight hug. Namjoon just let out a soft laugh and whispered to Beomgyu. "hey, you made it. you're okay now".

"Beomgyu? wake up, we've made it to the capitol"

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"Beomgyu? wake up, we've made it to the capitol". the Brunette sat up while rubbing his eyes in confusion. right, the hunger games was over and he won. wait. his eyes shot open and he looked around him only to see Namjoon standing a over him with a smile.

"someone very important is here to see you". Beomgyu was once again confused but stood up in shock after seeing who entered the room. the older man stepped forward and held his hand out, which Beomgyu quickly shook.

"good morning Beomgyu, i'm sure you know me but i'll still introduce myself. my name is President Snow"



...but is it really?

love, but at what cost? || taegyu ✔️Where stories live. Discover now