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"good evening everyone! i am your host, Caesar Flickerman, and tonight we will be interviewing all of our tributes!". cheers erupted all throughout the theatre and all Beomgyu could do was nervously stare down the line of tributes in front of him.

everyone was dressed in fancy clothing for their interviews. the make matters worse, Beomgyu was the last to go out. "please welcome to the stage, your second district one tribute, Choi Yeonjun!". Beomgyu watched as the blue haired male confidently walked out onto the stage and shook Caesar's hand.

"so, Yeonjun, do you think you will win this years hunger games?". a smirk made it's way onto the young males face and he leaned back in his chair comfortably. "of course i will win, i'm pretty sure i'm stronger than everyone else".

some people cheered at his response and the host laughed. "ah! we love your confidence! hopefully the next time we meet, you will be here as the victor of the 75th annual hunger games! Choi Yeonjun everyone!". the cheers grew loud once again as Yeonjun exited the stage.

Beomgyu didn't pay attention to the next few interviews, until he heard a name he himself couldn't stop thinking about. "welcome to the stage, Kang Taehyun from district five!". Beomgyu lifted his head up to look at the screen and he tried to hold his jaw up after seeing what Taehyun was wearing.

the younger male was wearing a deep navy suit with gold accents, to top it off he had gold glitters in his hair. if Beomgyu were to describe him, he would say ethereal. "now, i've asked the others this question, but do you think you have the skills to win the hunger games?"

Beomgyu's attention was fully on the screen and he didn't want to miss a moment of it. "i feel as if no one is properly strong or capable enough to win. the games are purely based on luck and i'm counting on that luck to help me"

the audience was in awe at his answer and Beomgyu could swear he felt a swirling feeling in his stomach. "Taehyun, we noticed in the training rooms, that you and another tribute seem to be glancing at each other a lot. is this a possible love story?"

it was at that moment Beomgyu froze. Caesar wasn't talking about him, right? he continued to stare at the screen to see Taehyun's reaction and he swore he saw a slight smile on the youngers face before it immediately disappeared. "i'd say, let the public believe what they want"

Beomgyu's mind was all over the place. Taehyun didn't deny that there was no feelings between them, and he just hoped Caesar wouldn't ask him a similar question. Beomgyu then watched as Taehyun made eye contact with the camera and softly smiled, as if it was meant for someone..

the rest of the interviews seemed to go by extremely fast and now Beomgyu was watching as Yeji was on the stage. he took multiple deep breaths as he heard the cheers of Yeji's interview finishing. a staff member then placed a hand on Beomgyu's shoulder and guided him to the stage entrance.

"everyone, the one you have been waiting for is coming up now! please welcome the, very handsome, district twelve tribute, Choi Beomgyu!". he walked out onto the stage with a bright smile on his face and waved to everyone in the audience.

at first he was taken aback by the bright lights but he soon got used to them once he made it to the seat. he then shook hands with Caesar and sat down. "good evening Beomgyu, how are you feeling about all of this? about being picked as a tribute for the games?"

the brunette sighed lightly before looking at Caesar and back out to the audience. "honestly, it's scary. one moment i'm laughing with my friend, and the next moment i'm in a training room surrounded by many confident and talented people"

a few "awe"s were heard from the audience and Caesar gave Beomgyu a sad smile before moving onto his next question. "now you've probably heard me asking every other tribute this question, do you think you will win this years hunger games?"

it took Beomgyu a few seconds of silence to think of his answer and then he looked up to the camera with a soft smile, "i think anything is possible if you're lucky enough". he knew Taehyun was possibly backstage watching his interview so he hoped his attempt to communicate with the other worked.

Caesar's smile brightened at the boy's answer and he perked up before asking his final question. "is there any possibility that you may form an alliance with any other tribute?". the question made him pause for a second. he hadn't heard that question being asked to any other tributes.

"i'm.. not sure. maybe if someone is really injured i might help them. but with alliances, it will be harder to separate towards the end.. especially if you have created a bond with the person you stuck with.."

Caesar nodded his head enthusiastically. "do you think you have created a bond with any of the tributes during your training period? a specific person by any chance?" Beomgyu saw the look on Caesar's face and knew exactly what the host was trying to get out of him.

"i don't think i have gotten to know my fellow tributes too well yet. i have mostly stuck by Yeji since we already knew each other from school" Caesar seemed to be content with Beomgyu's answer so he quickly ended the interview.

"well everyone, this was our final interview! the next time you will see this young mans lovely face, he will be in the arena! Choi Beomgyu everyone!". cheers blew up through the theatre and Beomgyu shook Caesar's hand before walking off of the stage.

he then let out a deep breath he didn't know he was holding once he made it off of the stage. all of the tributes were still backstage with their mentors and Beomgyu could see Namjoon running his way with Yeji behind him. "you did great out there! i'm sure you'll both get plenty of sponsors"

Beomgyu closed his eyes with a sigh when Namjoon pulled him into a hug. "i've never wanted to get off of a stage so fast in my entire life". Namjoon laughed as he pulled out of the hug. Beomgyu then glanced around at the other tributes while Namjoon started saying something.

he stopped paying attention when he made eye contact with Taehyun. the younger boy was getting his makeup touched up by a staff member. just as Beomgyu was about to look away, he saw Taehyun's eyes move to the side, as if he was pointing at something.

Beomgyu followed the direction in which Taehyun was hinting to and saw a bathroom entrance. he looked back over at Taehyun and the boy now slightly had his hand up, pointing towards the toilets. Beomgyu immediately got the hint and looked back at Namjoon and Yeji.

"i need to quickly use the bathroom, i wont be long". Namjoon gave him a short look before nodding and Beomgyu glanced over at Taehyun once more as he made his way into the toilets. once the door closed behind him, the room was engulfed in silence.

the silence was then broken when the door suddenly opened and a blonde haired male slowly made his way in. Beomgyu was stood in shock at how good Taehyun looked. he knew the younger looked great on screen, but in person the glitter shone just a little bit brighter.

"i liked your interview". Taehyun took a step closer and the two males couldn't stop shyly smiling at each other. "i like you- liked yours.. too". Beomgyu could feel his cheeks heating up after he accidentally let those words slip. his nerves lessened when he heard Taehyun laugh.

and gosh, he had never heard a more perfect laugh in his life. "we really met in the worst circumstances, huh?". they went back to the shy smiles and nodded. it then went silent for a few seconds. "i wasn't expecting Caesar to ask that question about the training room"

that caused Taehyun to look up from the floor and into Beomgyu's eyes. "and you didn't deny it either, when he asked if there was a possible love story". Taehyun's smiled brightened just a little bit and he stepped closer again, the two boys were now in arms length away from each other.

"why deny something that could be true? now i don't know about you, but i definitely feel something when we make eye contact". Beomgyu's eyes crinkled into a smile at Taehyun's words and he let out a sigh of relief. "i feel something.. when i look at you"

love, but at what cost? || taegyu ✔️Where stories live. Discover now