Chapter 43

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"You know, Tommy doesn't deserve you" Nikki muttered into his pillow.

I rolled my eyes and smirked. "Alright, tough guy. Go to sleep" I said as I sat down on the bed and started rubbing his arm. Within seconds, he was completely gone.

I couldn't take my eyes off his arm. I didn't want to overthink things and jump to conclusions but I was worried. Tommy had an addictive personality but so did Nikki. The only difference was, I helped curve Tommy's extremities.

I argued with myself over and over again as I tried tell myself he'd never try heroin but it was obvious and I couldn't convince myself otherwise. I decided to start going through Nikki's things. I checked his jacket, his jeans and I went through all his clothes but there was nothing. I looked under the bed, I checked the bathroom and his suitcases but the only things I found were magazines and empty candy wrappers. I sat on the floor looking around the room to try and look for clues or a little hole where he'd hide something. I glanced over at the nightstand and realised it was a cupboard instead of a little draw. I crawled over and slowly opened it up, making sure I looked at Nikki the entire time so I didn't wake him. I went to take a look but as I did someone started pounding down the door.

I gasped and quietly closed the cupboard. I managed to find my feet and quickly walked over to the door. I swung it open and saw Tommy leaning into the door frame, holding a half empty bottle of vodka. As I started looking back up at him, I could his face turn from confused to angry.

"What the fuck are you doing in his room!?" He yelled.

"Shut up, Tommy!" I pulled the door back and showed him Nikki, snoring away.

"You expect me to fucking believe that!?" He yelled as he tried to push past me. I started closing the door and stood in the gap to stop Tommy from going near Nikki.

"Move! Now!" Tommy snapped.

"What the fuck, Tommy! Are you fucking crazy!?" I yelled back.

"Hey! Nikki! Get your ass up, man!" Tommy yelled as he still tried to push past me.

"What the hell is going on out here!?" Mick yelled as he came walking over.

"Vanessa's gone back to being a slut!" He spat as he took a gulp of vodka.

I saw Mick's face turn sour and he glared at Tommy. Mick started pacing towards him and grabbed him by the throat.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!?" He yelled.

"Mick!" I yelled as I covered my mouth with my hand.

I heard the elevator ping and whipped my head around to see Vince and Sharise smiling as they spoke. Mick and Tommy were screaming at each other, so they looked over and their smiles vanished. Vince came running over and started pulling Tommy, who had his hand around Mick's throat now, off of him.

"What the fuck is going on! Where's Nikki!?" Vince yelled as he used all his strength to pull Tommy away and launch him down the hall.

"He's asleep" I said as I helped Mick up.

Vince huffed and rolled his eyes. He came over and helped me get Mick up. I could hear Tommy slurring some kind of insults and looked over at him. He was still lying on his back, rolling around. I looked up and Sharise and sighed.

"We'll take care of Mick, you go look after Tommy" Sharise said as she linked arms with Mick and started walking him back to his room.

I closed Nikki's door and started slowly walking towards Tommy. I was so disappointed and angry in him for getting in this state again after everything that had happened.

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