Chapter 11

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I was looking out the classroom window at the traffic passing by as I thought about what I was going to wear tonight. I was meeting everyone at The Rainbow and then watching the guys show at The Whiskey. I was hoping I'd passed my final exam and I could spend the entire night celebrating.

I could hear talking and muttering but then a voice suddenly grabbed my attention.

"Miss Teresi, could I have a moment of your time please?" The principal of the academy asked.

"Yeah sure..." I said as I put down the pen I'd been using to tap to the tune of Merry-Go-Round on my desk.

My heart was pounding as I followed her down the hall and into her office. I noticed another woman sitting in one of the two chairs on the opposite side of the desk, a woman I didn't recognise. She closed the door behind me and told me to take a seat.

"I-is everything okay?" I asked I asked as I flickered my eyes between the two of them.

I had a million thoughts racing through my mind. Had something happened to Tommy? Sharise? Daniel!? What if my dad finally went to far and hurt my mom really bad. What if something happened to auntie Michelle!? Or what if there's something wrong with one of my essays and they want to do me for plagiarism!

"It's nothing to worry about Miss Teresi" she smirked as she sat down.

I let out a huge sigh of relief but I was still confused as to why I was in here.

"I-I'm sorry, can I ask what this is about?" I said anxiously as I played with a loose thread on my tunic.

"Well, as you know, I'm principal Matthews but this is Jennifer Langford" she said as I smiled awkwardly at the two of them.

"Miss Langford here is the owner of multiple beauty parlours across Los Angeles, Vegas and New York" she said.

"You own Salon Red, right!?" I asked excitedly.

Salon Red was one of those places everyone wanted to go! It was the hottest beauty parlour in the city, all the A-listers went there and all the staff were practically famous! They never waited to get into clubs, bars or restaurants. Everyone wanted to be their friends. They always held the most amazing parties - It was insane!

"I sure do, it's one of many" she giggled.

"Now I'm sure you're probably wondering why we bought you in here... We're very happy to tell you that you've passed your final exam, you've officially qualified" Principle Matthews said as she smiled at me and read through a file.

"In fact, you've passed every single exam and essay with top marks..." she said as she passed me my file that included all my results and insurance.

I was ecstatic! I mean I was glad I'd passed... but with top marks!? I was almost in disbelief!

"You're keeping the poor girl in suspense, Laurie! Can I just tell her!?" Jennifer asked.

"Tell me what?" I said as I looked up from my file.

"Baby girl, I want you to come work for me! You'll get a starting salary of 21K a year, plus tips! We have staff holidays and group training so we can all keep up to date with new techniques that are developing. You'll get a company credit card that you can use for all your living expenses and we will give you your own car and an apartment out in Beverly Hills" she said.

"What's the catch?" I smirked.

This was me, Vanessa Teresi, nothing good ever happened to me - there was always a catch somewhere along the way.

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