Chapter 26

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I spent the next week and a half in hospital. Being pregnant, they were taking me for tests every single day. I had to do some physio to help my knees, apparently they hit the dashboard pretty badly in the crash and judging by the pain and the bruising, it was easy to believe. I'd been making great progress so far, my ribs were healing quickly, my x-rays and MRI's were all clear and the physio was really happy with me. I was just so tired all the time but I didn't know if that was down to me still recovering, the medication or the pregnancy.

Everybody came to the hospital during visiting hours each day and it was so amazing to see them and have them all here with me. Sharise and Athena were like excitable puppies when they first arrived, they almost knocked me out again when they dived on me and gave me huge hugs... they put Tommy to shame!

Mick was as sweet as ever, he'd always bring me a coffee and a magazine and it was so amazing seeing my aunt Shelly, even if she did cry nonstop about me being pregnant. She'd become really great friends with Tommy's mom and everyday they'd want updates on the baby... not me anymore, oh heck no! Baby Bass had officially taken over.

Nikki was... well... Nikki. We bantered and gossiped about his date with Katerina. Apparently he ended up going back to the hotel with another chick which really didn't surprise me - it was Nikki after all. He told me Tommy had been really fucked up about the whole crash situation and told me about the fight they got into. I was pretty pissed off at Tommy when I found out why all that shit went down but I couldn't stay too mad at him. I guess people deal with things differently and his is to sniff blow and fight his best friend, I just hope he finds a different way to deal with things now.

I was really apprehensive to see David and Voula again. I mean... They found out through Sharise that I was carrying their grandchild, me and Tommy were both so young still, we didn't live together yet and we weren't married... it just went against everything that was traditional. Thankfully, they were so full of love and support for us, and they really wanted to be as involved as they possibly could. Everyday Voula would come by with Shelly and David, and they'd bring so much food that Voula forced the chefs at the hotel to make for me which I found hysterical, I could just imagine this beautiful, tiny lady bossing around these big ol' dudes.

Today was my last day of waking up in this god awful hospital bed, and the nurses thought it was a great idea for me to have my very first ultrasound before I finally got discharged.

I woke up yesterday and my little bump had appeared out of no where. The girls were obsessed with it, Tommy was too, he constantly had his hand attached to my tummy but honestly I had no idea why, I literally just looked like I'd eaten one to many cheeseburgers from The Rainbow and bloated myself.

"Miss Teresi?" The ultrasound tech said as he peaked his head around the door.

I raised my head slightly from the tiny bed I was lying on. It was so uncomfortable... "That's me!" I smiled.

"I'm Adrian, I'll be conducting your ultrasound today" he said as he shut the door and walked over to us.

"So... you must be Vanessa" he said in a witty tone as he laughed and shook Tommy's hand.

I smiled as I watched Tommy awkwardly laugh. "I'm Tommy, this is Vanessa" he smiled.

"Ahhh! That makes sense" he said as he shook my hand.

I frowned a little bit as I watched him walk over to ultrasound machine, talking to himself. I looked over at Tommy, trying to hold in my laughter. This dude was fucking crazy but he seemed sweet.

"What the fuck!?" He mouthed as he held my hand.

I shrugged slightly, trying not to make it obvious who we were talking about.

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