~Chapter Eighteen~

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Carefully, I followed Ayato out to the garden where the Lunar Eclipse was starting. The moon was half blood red. Ayato lead me to the gazebo where we both sat down.

"I... uhh... I have something to say to you that I have been needing to for a while," Ayato began. He kept looking down at his hands that were fighting on his lap.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, concerned. He was not acting like himself and it was... different. Ayato looked at me shocked and confused.

"You're asking me if I'm okay when I haven't been acting rude towards you?" Ayato asked.

"I don't care how you treat me. I've been tried that way a lot so it's nothing different," I stated. My parents had treated me that way since I was born and it was how... he had been treating me. "I understand that you were angry and probably still are after what happened with the Mukami's taking Yui, but I had nothing to do with that."

"You had more to do with it then you realised," Ayato stared boldly. I looked at him shocked. "They took you as a distraction. With us spending our time looking for you, it meant that we weren't keeping an eye on Yui making her an easier target for them to get."

"I did not willing get taken," I stated quietly. It felt as if he was attacking me for something I had no say in what so ever.

"I heard your conversation with Ruki that would say differently," Ayato said, looking ne straight in the eyes.

"The Sakamaki brothers were born vampires whereas me and my brothers were made them when we were young. However, I can tell that there is something else on your mind."

"What do you think would happen if I were to run away from the Sakamaki household?" I asked bluntly, taking Ruki by surprise. He must've thought I was joking so I gave him a look that showed him that I was serious.

"If you were to run away, they will hunt you down until they find you. When they do find you, you'll regret it," Ruki answered bluntly. His face was stone cold, showing he meant what he was saying.

"Well you clearly missed the rest if the conversation," I said quietly. "As soon as he said that I tried to get away from him and successfully did but ended up having a panic attack. He then took me back to their place."

"Relax. I didn't really mean what I said to you in the corridor, well, the whole thing with what would happen if you ran away from the Sakamaki brothers."

"this still makes no sense to me," I said, not wanting to believe what Ruki said to me. They've all gotten annoyed whenever they have seen me with any of the Mukami brothers, so why wouldn't they care now?

"what I am telling you is true. Yuma carried you to the limo while Azusa and Kou went and got you the work that you missed out on and told the principal that we were taking you to ours to make sure you were okay," Ruki answered, making me smile a little, knowing what they all did for me. I'll have to thank them all and make it up to them.

"Ruki lied to me and said that you all didn't notice that I was gone. That you didn't notice that I passed out because you had all already left because of Yui. I didn't want to get kidnapped. I was a burden to you all so I contemplated leaving so that you didn't have to deal with me anymore," I explained before u stood up and walked away from the gazebo and back into the house.

I walked up to the music room where I saw Shu lying on the sofa and Laito looking out the balcony door. Laito turned and looked at me.

"Hello little one. Have you come to grace us with you lovely singing voice~?" Laito asked, moving to the piano where he leant on it, his chin resting on his hand. I shrugged my shoulders as a reply. I just wanted away from the gazebo.

"Are you okay Yuki? How was your talk with Ayato?" Shu asked, opening one of his eyes revealing his cute bambi coloured eye.

"It went..." is all I could bring myself to say. They didn't not need to be burdened with my issues.

"Come sit little one," Laito said, slowly pulling me towards the piano. Once we were both sat down, he gestured for me to play it.

I float in a boat
In a raging black ocean
Low in the water
And nowhere to go
The tiniest lifeboat
With people I know
Cold, clammy, and crowded
The people smell desperate
We'll sink any minute
So someone must go
The tiniest lifeboat
With the people I know
Everyone's pushing
Everyone's fighting
Storms are approaching
There's nowhere to hide
If I say the wrong thing
Or I wear the wrong outfit
They'll throw me right over the side
I'm hugging my knees
And the captain is pointing
Well, who made her captain?
Still, the weakest must go
The tiniest lifeboat
Full of people I know
The tiniest lifeboat
Full of people I know

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