Turning back on his camera and audio, his smile had never faded from before and he starts to speak.

"Alright, now, I'm not a huge fan of technology so you'll have to excuse me. We will meet up in two days to sign official papers. How do you think you'll pay? I know we talked about a mortgage, but have you ever considered liquidation?"

Liquidation?! Does he seriously think you have that kind of money? I mean, it is only $90,000. But still! Just paying him right on the spot?

"Well, I think I might stick with mortgage. It just seems easier to handle with. And I don't have all the money for the house right now. But with the mortgage I'll pay it off in a jiffy."

He sighs, knowing that no one really chooses liquidation. He gives a slightly pained smile but immediately turn back into his regular smile, remembering that he just sold the Myers's house. The Myers's house! This was truly a dream come true for him. Almost 15 years. 15 years no one had lived in that house. And now was finally his time to shine.

You make a small noise while racking back an forth on your bed. You didn't like when there was silence for long moments while others pondered. It was very awkward for you and others. He snaps back to reality.

"Alright! So, see you in two days to sign off on the house?"

"Yep! That should be about it! Have a wonderful day Mr. Strode!"

"You too Y/N! I can't wait to see you on Friday! Goodbye!"

He hung up before you could even try. You close your computer and slide it back into its case. You hum in minor content as you had just made the most adult decision you have ever made.

"Y/N! WE'RE HOME!" Your dad Oliver had walked into the house from the front.

"Oliver! Quiet down! We don't know if Y/N's asleep or not!" Your other dad LaMarcus had whisper shouted to his significant other.

"Oh, you're right. I'm truly sorry for my cruel actions, but it just so happens that I found Y/N on their computer when checking the recent activity of our electronics throughout the house." He grins at LaMarcus, a smug look on his face.

Your father sighed, pinching the bridge, we'll, as close to the bridge as possible. He had many piercings to compliment his dark skin. As LaMarcus roughly sighed he made his way to your room.

"Why were you on your computer?"

"Oh! Jesus Christ you scared me! Oh, well... I know I'm not supposed to be on it, but I had a meeting with Mr. Strode!"

You slightly wince, knowing that your dad knew it was supposed to be at 5:30.

"At 6:18 PM?"

"Okay, so I might've taken a short nap with forgetting that naps can't be taken before a meeting. I'm sorry. I apogized severely to him, but we still made it work! I'm moving in!"

You couldn't help but see your dad smile. A smile you haven't seen from him in a very long time.
It was genuine, sincere. He was truly happy for you. You practically grew up with him. You both had grown, despite not having an amazing, or not as strong of a relationship like you've had with Oliver.

"Well, how do plan on getting the money?"

"Money from my bank account, savings and stuff. Not liquidation, but a mortgage I can pay off quickly."

"Are you sure? You could just wait a few months to move in and then you could just buy it on the spot-"

He was cut off by a slight crack in his voice. He was breaking up. Tears forming making his eyes shimmer lightly under your bright LED light that was fixated on the ceiling. You stand up to give him a hug. He hated physical affection, but he really needed it right now. And he needed support. You were leaving. Most likely for good! What if you never came back to him? Was all of this for nothing? For you to just move away?

Is This Real Life? (Michael Myers x Gender Neutral Reader)Where stories live. Discover now