Chapter fourty-three

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I am beginning to become tired with all the work Clyde has put me through for five straight days. He did not want to take breaks, as if we will be attacked any second. He is so tender and I tried to relax him, telling him that we are safe here. He does not believe that we are safe, which is terrifying me.

I woke up in the morning, and he was not in bed so I assumed he was making us some pancakes again. But he was nowhere to be found, I was surprised by a letter from him given to me by Willie. I sobbed as I read his words.

"He promised," I said, my voice barely hearable.

"Don't worry," Deborah said, reaching her hand for mine for comfort, but I knew it felt awkward for her. She is not good with such affection. "He is Clyde."

"You keep saying 'he is Clyde' as if he can't get hurt, or killed even." I snapped, "he is human just like me and you, you know, you do not know what will happen to him out there. Doesn't it bother you that both of your brothers are out there? Fighting? Maybe till their death?"

She looked at me without a word. "It is their choice," she said quietly."I could go, and you could too. But I have a brain To think, and so do you I believe." My eyes widened as I brushed away my tears, "you have a brain... Right?" I stayed quiet, "No, no, no! Don't get ideas, you are not going anywhere." I eyed her, "I won't let you"

I am soon to be prince, I could demand them. But again, she could hold me back and tie me up if she must.

"of course I have a brain," I said shaking my head in hopes to make her believe that I won't be running out at first light tonight. "I won't go anywhere"

"good," she said, after staring at me for a long moment, examining me.

"So, tell me. Why do you stay here?" I asked, "at the edge of the kingdom alone?" She did not reply, it looked like the question bothered her. "You don't have to answer, sorry," I said politely with a smile.

"Not it's just-" she sighed, "you know what really happened to my mother right?" I nodded, "they had me too, she was the one who helped me break free. Which caused her to be held back and Well- die." She shook her head, the memory is too much to think about. "My father made this place for such situations, so I stayed here until they captured him." She explained, "and I guess, I just never wanted to leave ever since. I prefer it here, quiet and alone. Far away from the cruel reality."

"I am sorry," I said sincerely. "I am so sorry"

"I am too," she said.

For the whole day, I kept collecting the things I wanted to take with me. Such as I three knives I got comfortable with using and a few clothes from Deborah's closet.

Later that night, when she was asleep I changed into all black since I felt it's appropriate for such a mission. Okay yes, I am dramatic but what can I do.

I woke Willie up, and he looked at me with wide eyes. Before he could talk, I placed a knife on his neck and walked him outside.

"I know you won't do it," he said, I tightened my grip just to scare him.

"You will drive me to where Clyde and Darius are staying," I demanded. "Royal orders, you can't say no."

"you could have just led with that instead of the knife act," he said as he shock his head and walked towards the car.

"You could have told Deborah, she would give you another Royal order to stay in your place." I said."Now come on,"we got into the car and before I could close the door, so wien held it open; Deborah.

"Not so fast," she said.

"Deborah let it go." I demand, she shock her head. "You are not giving me a choice then," I stepped in her hand harsh against the door.

she let go, "ow!" She said as she waved her hand due to the pain. "What's wrong with you?"

"Drive!" I demanded Willie as I closed the door, so he did. When we pulled out, I opened the window "Sorry!"

She rolled her eyes as she placed her hands on her hips. As we drove, she faded.

I am not going to let Clyde win just to fight side by side with his brother. If so, I will die along them.

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