Chapter twenty-four

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Fun friends night out.

I hanged out with Zoey a couple of times while I spent the rest of the days out alone, enjoying my own company; mostly looking around the city or outfit and book shopping. The bookstores here are addicting, and so are the clothes pieces. I am trying not to get too much stuff to fit the only luggage bag I have. Although I can always buy another bag?

I shoved away from the conversation I had with Clyde before my flight way too many times, but it kept wandering in my mind anyway. Which caused me to go shopping more, since it's the only thing that seemed to get it out of my mind. Or again, it might be another excuse for shopping...

Today, Zoey asked me if I wanted to hang out again, this time with a couple of her friends. I did not have a reason to refuse so, why not? I always wanted to have friends, so here is my opportunity.

She asked me to wear a dress, I showed her the ones I have but she did not approve of any. Saying mine gives a 'rural vibe' she called me and I immediately picked up the phone.

"Get down here the stupid security won't let me get up," she complained. "Is this a hotel or a prison?"

I chuckled, "I will be right down." As soon as I walked out of the lift, I saw her; she looked absolutely beautiful in her black pants and clear shirt over a black bra. At first, I did not understand her style, since I have never seen such outfits back home. But as I stayed longer in the city, I began to understand. And I got to say, I am a big fan of the way she dresses. "You love- memorising!" I said as I pushed away a strand of her beautiful raven curly hair away from her dark skin. "What are you doing here?" I asked as we left the hotel.

"We are, my lovely Ella," she said as she took my hand in hers, "going shopping" I rolled my eyes in frustration since this is something I can't seem to avoid. "You need better dresses."

"But I find my dresses absolutely beautiful."

"For a small-town girl," she said. "We need something sexy"

"What?" I asked, my cheeks heating. What kind is she talking about? "I have never had one of those"

"of course you haven't," she said. "I am thinking about- silky, black or red, high heels?" She paused, as I pictured the outfit. "I think you will fit it nicely."

We went into store after store, and she did not settle for any dress until her eyes landed on a dress just like she pictured. I tried it on and I got to say, it is beautiful. It had thin straps and was orange more than a red, but absolutely gorgeous. It hugged my curves perfectly.

"Don't say cheese!" She half-screamed as she took a picture of me, leaving me confused. Don't say cheese? "Hot, definitely going into your Instagram page."

She has downloaded it for me, but I do not know how to use it yet. She is the one who set a profile picture and a bio saying "I am hot and I know it" for me. Zoey is weird, different from anyone I have met before. Not that I met many. Well, yeah I did. Correction: not that I met many besides the Royal family.

"Should I open my hair?" I asked, referring to my low bun and a few loose hairs on the side.

"Nope," she said. "It's way hotter this way."

She keeps saying hot and hotter quite a lot, I am beginning to think she adores those words.

She did not let me change into the outfit I came in with, so we paid for it and cut the tag a we immediately left the shop. We took way long to look for the 'perfect" dress so it's starting to get dark outside. "So," I started. "Where are we going? Or even better, where are your friends?"

"We are going to a nightclub," she answered.

"What will we do there?" I asked.

she gave me a look then shook her head, "Dance of course," she replied. "Drink, and do whatever the hell we want."

"Ugh," I rolled my eyes."I do not look forward to more dancing and fancy drinks while I got that back home." She is still in denial that I am actually a part of a royal family.

"No, honey," she chuckled."Not a slow dance and fancy drinks. Otherwise we won't be wearing these," she gestured at our outfits. "It's a nightclub, to dance like what the hell you want. Jump up, scream, shake your booty, do whatever!" She explained excitedly as she shuffled through a corner instead of the main road while pulling me with her. then we walked into a small side road. From there, I could see a long line of people waiting to get into what I assume is the nightclub.

This is a lot of people
But you know what? I am in the south, my city self definitely is not afraid of some crowd.

"Let's go!" I said excitedly as we ran to it

"Woho!" She screamed then I stood in the line, "what are you doing?" She chuckled pulling me out of the line then walked to the guards showing them her ID, "she is with me." The guard nodded and let us slide in.

"How did you do that?" I asked, amazed. "People were waiting before us!"

"Well," she smiled as we walked deeper, the music beginning to sound louder. "My friend, Mateo owns this place"

I looked at her with wide eyes, "how come? I asked, "How old is he?" Zoey is nineteen, two years older than me so I assume her friends are older.

"Twenty-two" she answered. "Okay come one!" She pushed the double doors open which made the music dive into my ears, that I can't hear her anymore. "Let go meet my friends!" She screamed in my ear, and it was still badly to hear. We walked towards a booth with a bunch of people sitting down, talking, drinking and screaming with wide smiles on their faces.

"guys!" Zoey took everyone's attention," this is Ella" everyone waved at me and smiled and some drum roll on the table.

"About time!" A ginger-haired girl spoke, "we have been hearing too much about you princess." I bet she told them about the 'joke'
"I am Delilah"

"This is Mateo," Zoey pointed at a handsome guy in a suit, standing up looking at the group like a boss with one hand in his pocket and the other holding a glass.

"What's up," he nodded at me once, I smiled and nodded back.

"these are Mason and Michael" she pointed at the identical twins, same curly black hair and the exact same brown eyes. "You can tell them apart by the glasses, until they twitch."

"Michael," the one wearing glasses said.

Glasses is Michael, Mason is without. Got it.

"This is Asia, and yes she is Asian." Zoey introduced; Asia shrugged and chuckled. She has wolf-cut black hair that fitted her face perfectly, her eyes were wide and had long leashes. She had a tiny nose and pink lips. And she looked completely Badass with her one-piece outfit that hugged her curves.

This is going to be interesting...

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