Chapter thirty-seven

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"Mistress!" Willie ran behind me as I rushed inside the castle. "You heard the Prince, we have to go now. It's not safe."

"I just need to take my belongings."

"We can't-"

"it won't take long," I said."Who knows how long we will be there, and what makes you sure they won't bring this castle down just as they did to the bridge."

"That is why we shouldn't be in here!"

"Don't scream at me!"

"I did not mean that- we really need to go."

"Hold on," I said as I pushed my room's door open and collected my sketch into a bag and handed it to him. I did not think for a second to pack clothes, all I wanted to take is my art pieces, I was not going to let them burn in here. As he said, this place is not safe, they will surely head to the important places in the kingdom if they do not back away.

I reached for my phone, so I could be able to contact Clyde until he comes back, but it accidentally slipped and broke. "Damn it!"

I shook my head and left the room, leaving the phone lying on the ground and headed back downstairs to look for my art stand he gifted me a while ago. I did not find it, but I was not going to leave without it. I pushed every room's door open, taking a quick look inside. Maybe someone hid it away when cleaning since I did not use it in long.

Room after room, I did not find anything. Until I opened the door of a room on the corner I had never seen before. My new dropped as I looked what's inside, an art room? How have I never seen it before. My eyes landed on the sketches hanging on the walls; they were all mine, every sketch I hated and threw out.

Oh my god, Clyde.

I remembered when destiny told me about something, but did not continue when she realised she was not supposed to say it.

I took a deep breath as I looked around the place, wanting to memorise it forever. I could not take everything in here with me even if I wanted to.

"Mistress!" Willie snapped me out, I took the art stand and we headed outside to the car and drove away.

I leaned on the window next to me, thinking what our kingdom would look like in a matter of days, we were wrong, being poor does not mean they cannot do anything. I do not understand the world, why do people repay kindness with such cruelty?

"Would do you think will happen next?"

"I do not know," he said, and I could tell he did not want to know. It is scary, everything is happening so fast. We were not prepared.

"Do you have a phone?" I asked.

"No ma'am"

The drive was silent, I tried to distract myself with everything, but nothing worked. My head keeps thinking about war, bombs, invasion.

I want you closeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora