"You guys didn't have to stay" I address Jared.

"I know but we just wanted to make sure you had back-up if you needed it. Is she ok?" he nods his head towards Brittany.

"Yeah she'll be okay I had to l knock her out to get her under control" I look down at her and notice her body is shivering. Her body temperature has drop dangerously low for a wolf probably due to all of the blood lose. I cradle her a little closer to my chest to share my body heat.

"What do you want to do with her?"

"Well first things first we need to get her some medical treatment the baby is still alive but I don't know for how long and after that I'm not sure" I admit honestly. I have no experience with dealing with anyone having a mental breakdown.

"Should I contact the Alpha?"

"I assumed she was notified at the house"

"No she's hasn't been home since this morning she told me she was taking a personal day out on the town" I nod my head it's about time Amber takes some time out for herself.

"Ok well what about our Beta maybe he will know what should be done"

"Um I think he went with her on a date" he says clearing his throat and looking away. I sigh inwardly wondering when the awkwardness of my mate with another man will cease from the packs minds. Hell I'm okay with it...sorta...kinda...okay not really. At the moment a intense wave of jealousy is coursing through me seeking out my murderous tendencies to join together and hunt down Dallas but I quickly smother it. The two of them spending time together was bound to happen eventually. I just have to learn to accept this.

"Okay It's just us then. I don't want to interrupt their day with this. We can handle things. Let's go" I turn and head off towards the house expecting the others to follow suit, eventually I hear them behind me.

Brittany lets out a groan in her sleep. I look down and see she's starting to become pale. Shit she really doesn't look good. I adjust her in my arms so my finger tips can touch her stomach and there it is again, movement. I breathe a sigh of relief and take this as an incentive. I start to pick up my stride until I'm running at full speed. I wish I could shift into my wolf and carry her, it would be much faster, but with out rope or something to tie her to me she would just fall off.

I hear the guards quicken there pace to keep up with. They would be more useful at the house right now. I open a mind-link with them.

'Listen up I need you guys to shift and go ahead of me to clear out the first level of the main house'

'Clear it out?' Thomas asks.

'Yes there shouldn't be that many people milling about but make sure they're gone by the time I get there especially children they don't need to see her like this. I want to afford her a little privacy in this matter. After you guys complete this task you're dismissed. I will take it from there'

'Will do' Jared responds. Soon four wolves speed past me in a blur sailing over logs and bushes and then out of sight.

It takes me about 20 minutes to reach the house all the while constantly checking on Brittany and the baby. When I reach the front doors I slow down and Doctor Gage is waiting for me leaning back against the doors with his arms crossed. The poor guy doesn't look so good he seems a little fatigued and weary. We have been having a lot medical emergencies lately, not to mention all the behind the scenes business he has to do as Head doctor. He must be beat.

"You look like you need a vacation Gage." I say looking him over.

"Is it that obvious?" he grimaces looking down at himself.

Losing Her Mate (Book 2 of The Red Dawn Trilogy )Where stories live. Discover now