Rebuilding the Shattered Hearts

Start from the beginning

It took a while but Brianna and Diavolo finally went back to Tokyo, this time with her being 33 weeks pregnant. "Sorry it took so long, testing and our student council programs, took much longer than expected. But we're here now and it's snowing!?  Great."  Brianna walked to the window, look at that snow. "Reminds me of my childhood, Patrick and I use to visit our grandparents every winter as kids, and they lived in an area where it snowed so-so. It would snowed for like two days, then hours later it would be gone. But this is beautiful, and I wouldn't mind walking outside now, but I'm sure we did not pack for snow." Brianna said as they looked out the hotel window. The snow was coming down hard. Diavolo looked over at Brianna, as she was admiring the snow. "Bri?" She looks over the him, looking at her. He turns to face her, and placed his hand on her cheek. "I love you." Brianna places a hand on his cheek as well. "I love you too. Diavolo..." And Brianna got down on one knee. "I love you so much."  Brianna kissed his hands.  "Our time together has been a rollercoaster.  One that most people of get off, except me.  And we've only gotten strong together because of it. It was eventful and tough, eye opening, but it brought us closer then any regular relationship I've ever been in. I know traditionally men are supposed to ask the women, but we aren't traditional at all. And I want to do this, because I'm not going anywhere and neither are you. Lord Diavolo, will you marry us?" He was shocked. "Huh?" Brianna presented a black band, that when tilted you see the red behind the black. Diavolo eyes widened. "I love you, and I want only you, will you marry me?" He smiled and got down on the ground with her. "Yes!" They smiled at each other and shared a kiss, then Brianna placed the ring on his finger. "Wow, this feels great. I feel..." Diavolo looks at Brianna.  "Let's get married now. Right now, I can have Barbatos officiate. Wait, what about your marriage to Tony? Isn't he still your husband?" Brianna shook her head. "About that, turns out I'm not married." Diavolo was confused. "What do you mean?" Brianna got up and walked over to the couch. "I asked Tony about that divorce a few weeks ago after one of the doctor visits, and he said that the officiant he hired wasn't real. He looked online at the last minute, and hired some guy who didn't know either of us, then the license wasn't even sighed and then he didn't even file it. The marriage certificate on the wall at the apartment was a fake that he printed off the internet." As Brianna sat on the couch, getting close to crying, until Diavolo grabbed her hands, pulling her up to him, and he got down on one knee. "So with that news, I can't wait anymore." And he summoned a ring box. "I loved you, when we first met. I loved you, the morning after our first night together. I love you, all our nights, days, minutes, hours together. I fell in love with you the first time I saw your profile for the exchange program. I love you, I'm in love with you, and I want to be with nobody but you. Brianna Lynn Parks, will you marry me?" Brianna was surprised. "You said my full name. Yes!!!"

The following month they were in Brianna apartment, Brianna finally introduced him to her mother. "Mom this is Diavolo, Diavolo this is my mother, Terry." They shock hands with one another and they all sat down and ate lunch. "Diavolo?" Brianna's mom said out loud. "Diavolo?  Are you the guy Patrick said that was stupid? Something about a stupid demon. I didn't believe him, because a demon really, but he said he was dumb, she was dumb, both of your two were dumb." Brianna and Diavolo looked at each other and held each other hands. "Mom, Patrick's right. Diavolo is a demon, and he will be the Demon King one day. And we are getting married." She was shocked. "Really? Prove it." Diavolo smiled. "That's funny, your daughter said the same thing." And he kissed Brianna's forehead, stood up in the middle of the room, and transformed. "Young Master, I see we have a guest. Hello, would you like more tea?" Said Barbatos pouring tea for both Diavolo and Brianna. "I take it you're a demon too?" Barbatos nodded. "Okay, yes I would love some more tea, thank you." Brianna was shocked. "You're okay with him being a demon, mom?" Brianna asked as her eyes started getting glossy. "Do you have a problem with it, Brianna?" Brianna smiled and quickly shook her head. "No, no problem here." Her mom smiled as well. "As long as he treats you right, and can take care of you. And since you are having children, and he wants to be in their lives, he's alright with me. Welcome to the family Diavolo, and you too, who ever you are." Brianna smiled wide, until she felt a sharp pain in her back. "Ugh! Ow, oh!" Diavolo leaned closer to Brianna. "What's wrong sweetie." Brianna who wasn't trying to talk much, leaning on to him. "Have Barbatos officiate us, now. Please?" His eyes widened, and he signaled to Barbatos. "Miss Brianna, Young Master, please join me." And they followed behind Barbatos to the living room. "Miss Terry, would you come stand beside your daughter?" She got up from the table all excited. "Yes!" Barbatos nodded. And the room transformed into a outdoor, mossy, night in the garden at the castle. "We gather today, to join the union of my master and his bride. With this union these two individuals by marriage will become one. Master Diavolo, will you take this human, Brianna as your wife?" Diavolo nodded his head. "I do." Then Barbatos turned to Brianna. "Human Brianna will you take this demon, Lord Diavolo, as your husband?" Brianna was about to speak until a sharp contraction started. "Oooo!" She moaned, squeezing his hand in the process. "I do, yes." Taking deep breathes as she was contracting. "Please take these rings, they symbolize that you two formed a marital pact. My Lord, Brianna." And they took the rings, Diavolo placed his first, as Brianna was in pain. "Aaaaahhh! Oooooooo!" More deep breathing from her, as she slipped the ring on Diavolo's finger. "I hear by pronounce this human and demon as husband and wife. You may kiss you bride, sir." Diavolo goes to kiss Brianna and her water broke. Brianna screamed as her contraction intensified. They gave a quick kiss, a flash of light sparked between them, transforming them into King Diavolo and Lady Brianna. They also felt each other's heartbeats, love, and the pain she was going through. "Okay, let's go to the hospital, and have our daughters." Brianna took his hand and they made their way to the hospital. "Alright remember your breathing." Diavolo said as Brianna's mom drove.

*breathe in* *breathe out*

*breathe in* *breathe out*

~to be continued~

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