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"Xane! Xane!"

Xane Harding groaned, a look of impatience crossed his face as he heard his mother calling from across the hallway. He took his glasses off and placed them carefully on his working desk.

3... 2... 1...

His mother, Amara barged into his study room.

"Xane!" His mother called out again.

"Mom how many times have I told you not to bother me when I'm in my study room. I have a lot to do," he complained. Amara rolled her eyes and strolled to his desk.

"You need to see this," she said, her voice was full of enthusiasm.

Xane took a glance at his phone and frowned as he saw his mother had been using his phone to text strangers.

"Mom-" he was cut off by Amara before he could say anything.

"You need to talk to her. She seemed lovely!" Amara smiled and started scrolling the photos on his phone. "Look at her! She's beautiful don't you think?"

"I've seen better," he cleared his throat even though he could not help but steal a few more glances at the photo on his phone.

In the photo was a fresh-faced brunette woman in her mid-twenties, she had pulled her hair into a high, loose bun with shorter pieces of hair falling around her face. She was smiling in the photo. Her green eyes sparkled. Her smile was so infectious that she'd light up everyone around her with it. She looked somehow familiar but Xane could not recall where he had met her before.

She was obviously not the most beautiful woman to him. Xane Harding had spent most of his life being surrounded by beautiful women. Yet he remained single at 31 because there was always something missing in the women he dated.

He had only been in two relationships.

He met his first girlfriend in university. He was 20, young and immature. He dated her because she was the prettiest in his university. He had wanted to know what it was like to date the prettiest girl but that only lasted for a year. He could not stand her vanity.

He dated his second girlfriend when his friend, Leandro had introduced her to him. That time, he had already taken over his father's business - Harding Tech. She seemed fun to talk to at first, but all that ended when she became too clingy. Xane was a workaholic and a busy man yet she had always tried to force Xane to go shopping with her and bring her to yet another expensive fine dining restaurants.

"Xane I like her," Amara said.

"Perhaps you should date her then,"

"You're already 31. Please Xane. I'm getting old and I want a grandchild," her lower lip protruded in a sulky pout.

"But mom... you can't just find a stranger online and ask me to date her!"

"Well isn't that better than asking u to go on a blind date with another heiress again? You said you didn't want to go on blind dates anymore,"

"And how is this not another blind date?" Xane groaned.

"You get to know her first. It's not going to be a blind date. I promise if you get to know her first and still don't like her, then I'll stop. I swear!" She said eagerly.

"You promise?"

"Yes! You don't even need to ask her out on a date first. Just get to know her. Give it a chance Xane. Where else are you going to find a potential wife if not this?"

Amara was worried for her son. She knew Xane was different from his younger brother, Tyler. She never had to worry about Tyler because he was always busy going out on dates and fooling around. Xane, on the other hand, had always been busy with his work ever since his father passed away and she felt lonely.

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