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Sometimes, the people we like don't like us back. And sometimes, you meet someone who feels the same way. I mean there's seven billion people on the planet.  I know one of them is gonna climb up on a moon for you. — Asa Butterfield: Otis Milburn


Two months later

"Morning Clara!" Joshua waved at Clara excitedly as soon as she stepped into Le'Fonse.

Clara had hired Joshua two months ago as a part-time barista in her cafe. He was only 20, a university student currently majoring in international business and management.

He had the kind of face that stopped you in your tracks. He was fair, almost pale white. His unfathomable, golden brown eyes contrasted exceptionally with his light toned face. He was not extremely muscular, with 8 pack abs or 16cm biceps. However, he could stand out in a crowd, which was mostly due to his way of carrying himself.

In fact, Clara realised that their cafe had gotten more university students, women especially, for the past two months. She was not surprised though. She kind of expected it when she hired Joshua.

"Morning Josh! Have you had breakfast yet?" Clara asked as she walked into the counter and took out an assessment file from the drawer.

Joshua nodded and stood beside her. Clara felt strange because he was rather quiet today.

"Maya is going to stop by later this afternoon. Could you please pass this to her?" Clara handed an envelope to Joshua and his eyes widened when he saw the wedding invitation.

"You're getting married?" Joshua asked nervously and followed behind her closely. His lips pressed tight, attempting to hide the disappointment look.

Clara gave him a strange look and laughed.

"Pfft! I wished!" She said. "It's my friend's,"

"Oh!" He let out a huge breath and nodded.

"Anyway, I gotta go!" She said while looking down at her watch. "I have a meeting in 10 minutes. Remember to pass this to Maya! Thanks a lot Josh!" She patted his shoulder and rushed out the door before Joshua could say anything.

Joshua was disappointed when he did not get to talk to Clara much today. He enjoyed working in the cafe because of Clara.

She had been the nicest person to him, helping him a little with his studies and giving advices on his future goals. He looked up to her because she was smart, kind, selfless and the most down to earth woman he had ever met.

"I thought you were going to ask her out today," Jeffrey, another barista, cleared his throat and asked.

"We all know the answer to that," Joshua sighed.

"You haven't even asked yet. How'd you know?"

"She's obviously out of my league. Do you think she will date someone six years younger than her?" Joshua explained and placed the wedding invitation laboriously in the drawer.

He then continued, "I'm still studying. No career, no money... I got nothing!" He sighed deeply.

"And what makes you think she cares any of that? You know Clara. She's not the kind of person who judges people for what they don't have," Jeffrey explained and walked to the food display chiller when one of the customers waved her hand at him.

He was right. Clara was kind. She probably would not judge. But he wanted to be better.

For her.

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