Chapter 22 - No good

Start from the beginning

"Let's start." Nathaniel announces.

As soon as he says this, the different vampires start giving their little presentations one by one, updating Nathaniel on the operations and running of the Kingdom. It reminded me of when I was young, and sat on my father's lap during his meetings. 

So this was what preoccupied Nathaniel's mornings. 

Finally, the last vampire rises from his chair to speak. He looks at me briefly, before clearing his throat to speak. 

"As of now, all human farms are secured. A system of rotational vampire guards have been put into place to increase the security of the farms. There have been no break in's the past two weeks."

The mentioning of human farms made my stomach churn, it reminded me of the cruelty of the vampires. I looked at Nathaniel, he nodded and the vampire continued.

"Our scientists from the Northern Region have also seen a breakthrough in their new method of reproducing humans. With this new technology, we will see a 500% increase in the number of humans reproduced in the human farms."

"Good." Nathaniel says. I bite my lip and stare down at my hands. It was an awful thing to know such horrors exist and yet be unable to do anything about it. These human farms were one of the things my father wanted to vaporize the most. 

The vampire continues, "As of this week, a total of 357 werewolves have been captured and executed." 

His words hit me like a gust of wind in the stomach, I looked at him and then at Nathaniel in disbelief. Hoping someone would start bursting out in laughter to tell me this was all just a joke. That what he said was not real. 357 werewolves were more than three large packs combined, 357 worth of  fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, friends.... 

I felt my mouth run dry, imagining the mountain of bodies the vampires discard of after killing them. It made me nauseous. 

I look at Nathaniel, and slowly he meets my eyes. There is a dark look in his eyes. I wait for him to say something, but instead he looks back at the vampire. I don't know why I didn't leave, a part of me felt like I needed to know everything. That I might not get the chance to find out more again. I needed to know the truth, no matter how horrifying it was.

"We have not found any new information on the disappearance of humans, but our scientists are exploring new theories with bodies from the infected humans." 

After a few rounds of discussions on the course of action to be taken, the meeting was dismissed. The world seemed to be whirring around me, voices and faces interlaced with one another. My mind was a raging storm, I didn't know how I could process so much information at once. I had been living in a delusion the entire time I was in this castle, worried about my own little problems when the real problem laid outside the castle walls.

"Ara," Nathaniel said gently, he was squatting down in front of me, a stance I can guess he is not used to being in.

"You're a monster..... All of you are." I said, with a sense of defeat.

He looked heartbroken at my harsh words. He tilted his head to look at the ground beneath my feet. "This is my world Ara. The world I was brought up to live in, kill or be killed. This is my truth. It might seem cruel to you, but it's the way I have learned to live."

"They were innocent, all those people and werewolves you enslaved and killed. They have done nothing to you. It is the vampires you live amongst that you should be weary of."

Nathaniel let out a soft chuckle. "The world has been kind to you, you do not understand my pain. Nobody is truly innocent in this world Ara. We are all part of a grander scheme in life. Humans consume from the Earth, we consume the humans. It is a natural way of existence."

"You try to justify your senseless murders with some grand scheme of life. You can fool yourself, but not me." 

"You werewolves and your self righteousness...... You should have known I was not a saint from the start. Were you expecting anything different of me?" He mocked.

"I was out of my mind and in love with you. I wasn't expecting you to be good, but I was hoping there would still be some good in you." 

He fell silent at my words.

I stood up to walk away, with only one thing on my mind. I have to escape. I have to find my family, warn them, protect them.

"I'm sorry Ara, I'm not good. But if you let me, I promise I'll be good to you." Nathaniel said. He always knew just the words to break my resolute.


Once again, thank you all for reading! I was in a rush to get this one up before I left the house and I forgot to include an author's note!

I hope you all liked this chapter! Look forward to the next one, it's going to be exciting ;)

Don't forget to comment and vote! <3

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