Part 3 training and Dango

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(demon slayer is not mine ) (it is owned by Koyoharu Gotouge)

(images are not mine)




3rd pov

Yoshinari watched as Urokodaki explained how he is a cultivator of swordsmen and the final selection and that he decides whether or not Tanjiro goes to the final selection to Tanjiro. he had also watched as Tanjiro went through his training of descending the mountain as it got harder and harder. Urokodaki also explained that swords break easily and can get worn down, he may or may not have also threatened him that if he breaks his blade that he would break Tanjiro's bones.

It was quite funny to watch Tanjiro get flipped every time he spared with Urokodaki, he then went through breathing training and got hit in the chest every time he got it wrong.    

Nezuko had been asleep for almost half a year now, Urokodaki had got a doctor to check on her. today was the day the doctor arrived.

Yoshinari: "hmm, the doctor said he would arrive today" he said getting slightly impatient

Urokodaki: "calm yourself, he will arrive today just be patient" 

Yoshinari: "It's kinda hard to be patient when you are worried about someone" he said worried about Nezuko

Urokodaki: "yes, I know but he is going to be here at some point, you just need to take a few deep breaths" he explained

Yoshinari: "right, right... *breaths in and out* I'll go check on Tanjiro" he said getting off the ground

Urokodaki: "right... actually could you go and get him so he's here when the doctor arrives?" he asked

Yoshinari: "I'll do that" he responded

Yoshianri then walks out of the house and sees Tanjiro coming down the mountain with a few bruises and scrapes and panting, Yoshianri walks up to him to both check on him and tells him to come back to the house, they proceed to go inside and bandage some of his injuries.

the doctor arrived and told them that nothing wasn't any irregularities in her body, but the fact that she continued to sleep meant there was something.

after that Tanjiro had continued to train on the mountain and more than a few weeks had passed.   it had been a whole year since he first got to the mountain.

~Tanjiro 3rd pov~

Urokodaki: "I don't have anything more to teach you" he said

Tanjiro: "eh?" he said confused

Urokodaki: "from now on you're going to have to prove yourself. see if you can improve yourself upon the basics I have taught you" he explained

they then proceed to head up the mountain to a cleared-out area with a big rock in the middle of the clearing.

Urokodaki: "if you are able to cut this rock in half I will let you go to the final selection"

Tanjiro: 'am I even able to cut that rock with a blade? the blade would snap'

Urokodaki then proceeds to walk away and leave a shocked-looking Tanjiro.

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