Twenty Seven - Remember Me

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No One's POV

Nene couldn't believe her eyes, what she saw, simply couldn't be.

"Grandmother, is everything alright?" The woman said, with concern.

Not answering, Nene walked over to Yuzu's table half in a daze. The face was exactly as she remembered it from all those years ago.

"Yuzu? It can't be."

Yuzu smiled. "Hello, Nene. It's been a while hasn't it?"

"It can't be..." Nene repeated.

"Do you remember what I told you that night?"

Nene thought and tilted her head. "You were from the future."

Yuzu nodded. "Well, you caught up to me. From your perspective it's been something like 70 years, from mine; it's only been a few months."

Nene suddenly flashed back to that night and all of it came back, the music, everything. "It is you."

The young woman came up, looked to Yuzu, and then back to Nene. "Grandmother, what's going on?"

Nene looked to her granddaughter and smiled. "Charlotte, do you remember the story I told you about the night I got lost during the Blitz."

Charlotte thought for a moment. "Yes. You were with great grandmother and when the air raid siren sounded, you got lost. But this odd woman found you in the tube station. She took care of you and played strange music for you. Then she took you home the next day. You told me once she played Taylor Swift for you and was from the future."

"Charlotte, this is Yuzu, the woman that took care of me that night."

Charlotte looked at her grandmother as if she'd turned purple. "You must be mistaken grandmother, that woman would have to be more than a hundred years old. That part about the future is just a story."

Yuzu smirked and pulled out her phone. "It's not a story and I can prove it."

After fiddling with her smartphone for a moment, she held out a picture for Nene and Charlotte to see. It was a selfie with a 6-year-old Nene and Yuzu. "I took that picture on October 9th, 1940 when I was with your grandmother."

Charlotte looked at it in disbelief. "No, it can't be. It looks like pictures of my grandmum at that age, but that just can't be."

Nene just looked at the picture with a happy smile.

Yuzu laughed, "I can do you one better. Watch this." Yuzu then hit another button and a small video began to play.

Charlotte looked to see Yuzu and what appeared to be her grandmother at age 6 in a dark corner.

Yuzu pointed at the phone. "Ok then, you just talk and look right there. Tell them who you are."

"And this is a movie camera?" Nene said.

"That's right."

The small girl smiled and looked directly into the little lens.

"My name is Nene Nomura and I'm 6 years old. I live at 194 Stepney Way in London. I have 2 sisters Eva and Hotaru. My mummy's name is Charlotte and my daddy's name is Chihiro and he's in the Royal Navy."

At that point, a dull thud could be heard which made Nene visibly cringe. "I don't like the bombs Yuzu. They scare me."

"Don't worry, we're safe and I'm protecting you. Just go on."

"My favorite doll is Sara, my best friend is Beatrice and I want to be a fireman."

In the video, Nene happily chatted for a few more seconds but a sad look came to Nene's face. "Beatrice."

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