Chapter 5

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Harry got Draco situated on the makeup table so that he could begin to remove the prosthetic, and then the makeup. First, he removed his prosthetic hands and put them away carefully.

"Will I get to meet Harry instead of Crowley then?", Draco asked, leaning back against the mirror.

"I think that can be arranged."

Harry made quick work of removing Draco's prosthetic, and then Draco watched as Harry started to remove his own.

"You can remove the contacts and change your shirt back. Here's the key to my locker. It's number 1."


Walking over, Draco did as told.

"Did you want your glasses and your clothes?"

"Yeah sure, thanks."

With bated breath, Draco watched as Harry began to remove pieces of his prosthetic. Harry was in a teasing mood, and kept his back to Draco.

"You're such a tease", Draco muttered with a pout.

"No, I'm just annoying. I freely admit that. I'm almost done."

Fiddling with the arms of Harry's glasses, Draco decided to try them on.

"God Harry, you're absolutely blind."

Turning his head, Harry laughed at the sight of Draco squinting in his glasses. Draco's vision had become so blurry that Harry was only a messy haired blob.

"Very cute, but take those off before you hurt yourself."

"You're no fun."

"Oh believe me Draco, I'm very fun. I'm just about done."

"Gearing up for a grand reveal?"

"It will be a disappointment I'm sure, but nevertheless I shall deliver", Harry replied with a snicker.

"You've found out I'm a Malfoy and you haven't run yet, or started to treat me any differently. You're nice, kind, and funny; that's all that matters to me really."

"That explains why you slipped me £20, which you can keep by the way, I don't need it."

"You can use it to take me out."

"I like the sound of that", Harry replied with a grin, lifting up his head to meet Draco's eyes.

Draco Malfoy was rarely speechless, but taking in Harry for the first time rendered him at a loss for words. Harry, for his part, awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, his grin fading to a soft smile as his confidence decreased.

Slowly, Draco walked forward, twirling the glasses in between his fingers. He didn't stop until he was almost nose to nose with Harry.

"You said you were a 3 at best. That would only be the case if the scale ended at 3", Draco said softly, brushing his fingertips against Harry's cheek. "A 7/10 isn't accurate either. You are definitely a 10/10 Harry."

Biting his lip, Harry looked away.

"You really are more shy without the costume aren't you", Draco teased, grabbing Harry's chin so that he could look him in the eyes.

"I warned you. You're a tough opponent to compete with."

"I like what I see", Draco replied, openly checking Harry out.

"Yeah?", Harry asked, hiding a blush on his face.

"Yeah. I want to see you wearing your glasses."

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