3. Another Accidental Meeting

Start from the beginning

"Hey, Lizzie," Jacob greeted, sitting next to his dad on the couch.

"Hi, Jacob. Hello, Mr. Black. Um, what are you guys doing?" she politely asked, though not interested.

"Well, we planned to watch the game with Charlie this afternoon but he got called to the hospital. Told us to stay and enjoy while he checked on Bella and his nephew. I heard you were also in the accident?"

"Oh, uh, yeah," Lizzie nodded, somehow stumbling for words. "My dad said I was fine. Bella and Sam are fine too. I just wanted to bring her car and keys over since my brother dropped me off back at the school. The van did more damage to itself than the truck really, only a small dent around the tire. But anyway, I'll be going now, can you tell Charlie and Bella the keys are on the counter when they get back."

"You dropped off her truck?" Jacob asked. "How are you going to get home then?"

"Well, um, I haven't really thought about that... "

"Let me give you a ride."

"Jacob, one of her brothers can fetch her." Billy's eyes never left the Cullen and it really irritated Lizzie.

"They're all probably at home already. Dad, it's fine. It won't take that long, right Lizzie?"

Jacob stood up without waiting for her answer, walking past his dad and toward the door. Lizzie pressed her lips together in an attempted smile at Billy before murmuring a 'thank you' and a 'nice to see you again, Mr. Black' she then followed after Jacob.

They made it out of the house only for the rumble of a car to catch their attention. It was Sam and Dean. The black classic Impala came to a stop in the drive as Sam climbed out and then Dean.

"Hey, Lizzie," Sam greeted again with a smile, and before she could comprehend what was happening, he was hugging her.

"Hi, Sammy," she rubbed his back before pulling away. "Are you okay?" Normally, people would take the hint and keep their distance from the Cullens, but not Bella and her cousins obviously.

"I'm fine, thanks to you," Sam said, then looked at Jacob. "Lizzie saved me."

"Did she now?" Jacob asked, a smile forming on his lips.

"I didn't really, I was just there at the right---"

"No, she saved him," Dean bluntly cut her off. Lizzie wasn't sure what it was about the older Winchester that made her so... she didn't even have words for it, uneasy maybe.

"What are you doing here?" Sam asked.

"I was just dropping Bella's truck and keys off for her," Lizzie replied. "I'm leaving now."

"You dropped her truck off," Dean repeated the same words Jacob had only a few moments ago. "Need a ride home then?"

"No, it's okay, I'm gonna take her quickly," Jacob spoke before Lizzie could, and she was kind of thankful for that. "Right, Lizzie? We should probably get going."

"Yeah," she nodded. "Bye Sam. Bye Dean."

It was a simple truth that Dean unnerved her and Jacob didn't. If anything the potential werewolf boy calmed her.

"I didn't take you for the Rock 'N Roll type," Jake commented as Lizzie changed the radio station from latest pop songs to Back in Black by AC/DC. They were halfway through town by now.

"Really, and what did you take me for?"

"Don't know. I guess pop, maybe even country, not AC/DC that's for sure."

Lizzie laughed a little, causing a smile to form on Jake's face at the sound.

"I have a friend who's really into old rock. Aerosmith, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, you know, the best of mullet rock. We once took a cross-country trip listening to nothing but Bon Jovi songs. It drove his brother crazy!"

"I can imagine. Mullet rock, huh?"

"Yeah, can't go wrong with the classics." Lizzie smiled and shrugged. "Oh, uh, pull off here."

"The woods?"

"Yep, just right here there's a pathway leading down to my house. I can walk the rest of the way."

Jake gave her a strange look. "I'm not letting you walk the woods alone, are you trying to get murdered? Besides we're pretty much here, right?"

It was no use to argue with logic, not when they were only a good couple of meters from the Cullen home. And anyway, Jacob didn't realize the world he was living in, the town he called home; Lizzie had no reasonable explanation for him not to drive her all the way home without coming off sounding insane. So, she nodded and pointed in the various directions towards her house.

"Whoa, cool place." He complimented as they came to a stop.

"Yeah, my mom's really into the whole designing thing," Lizzie explained as she unfastened her seatbelt and climbed out. "She has tons of plans in our study just waiting for the right time to happen. Thanks for the ride, Jacob, I really appreciated it."

"Oh, anytime, really it was no problem." Jacob looked like he was going to say something else when Lizzie sensed Emmett and Jasper behind her. The latter was the only one, who actually walked up to be beside her though.

"Hey, Jasp," she easily greeted her brother. "He was just giving me a ride home since I was supposed to get one with Bella this afternoon."

Lizzie knew the entire household could probably smell the wet dog scent, evidence of Billy and potentially Jacob's true nature.

"Thanks again, Jacob."

He nodded, obviously unphased by the subtle intimidation of her brothers. "Um, wait, I was wondering if you weren't too busy we could do something sometime?"

"That might not be wise," Jasper warned, more to Lizzie than Jacob. His Southern accent making a hint of an appearance as he spoke.

"Don't mind him," she waved a dismissive hand. "He's just way overprotective. Here," Lizzie handed Jacob her phone so he could put his number in. "Just text me and we can work something out."

"Okay, there we are." Jacob handed her phone back, smiling. "I guess I'll see you around then. I better get back to my old man before he freaks. See you later, Lizzie."

She happily waved as he drove away, even adding a bright smile just to piss her brothers off and it worked when two growls emitted through the chilly Forks air.

"It's good to make friends. You two should try it sometime." Lizzie simpered as she stepped into the house.

"Really, Elizabeth? First the human girl and her cousins and now a werewolf boy."

"First, that human girl is Edward's mate. Second, I only tolerate her cousins. Third, potential werewolf boy... well, to be fair more of a shifter if you take into account that the moon has absolutely no effect on the Quileute wolves whatsoever, so yeah."

"Not the point."

"So not the point and you know it," Emmett added unhappily, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Do I?"

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