History Books

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As the days grew colder and the wind began to whip through Apis Mellifera, Blake should have found herself excited for each new day. Fall was her favorite season. She loved the crunch of leaves as she walked through them, the cool air blowing her hair behind her, and she loved the fashion sense of everyone in fall. There were people like her, whose style was light and airy, and then there were those like Nora, who bundled up in winter coats the moment a single leaf fell from a tree. Most of all, she loved wearing scarves. Scarf weather, as she called it, was something to look forward to year-round. As Blake stood outside the library, her hands wrung around her scarf. It felt like it was choking her, no matter how loose she got it.

She opened the library door. Penny was on the tips of her toes pushing a book back onto the shelf, but the library seemed deserted except from them two. As usual, Blake thought.

"Hey, Penny," Blake said, "Do you have a minute?"

"Sure!" Penny gave the book one final push before turning to face Blake. "What's up?" She took a look at Blake's face and immediately copied it. "You're worried about something."

Blake smiled. "I really am an open book to you, huh?"

Penny walked around the bookshelf and motioned for Blake to follow her. The two went to their usual chatting spot, the back corner of the library, where two dilapidated beanbag chairs had molded themselves to the girls' postures. Penny sat down in her chair daintily while Blake fell into hers. Dust shot upwards, causing Blake to cough.

"Sorry, haven't had much time to clean around here," Penny said.

"It's fine," Blake said, "Just a bit of dust."

"So, what's on your mind?"

Blake sighed. A lot had been on her mind since the incident with the apiary. That day had catapulted her far forward in her life. "I'm not quite sure where to start."

"Why not start with the beginning?"

"You know that Yang and I are dating. We have been for quite a while now, and I'm happy. I'm happy when I'm with her. I enjoy the time I spend with her, and I enjoy talking to her," Blake took a deep breath. "But a couple of weeks ago, I went to her house, and I saw a pot of amavissets on the table. I asked her where she got them, and she said that Ruby had given them to her for her birthday. I just kind of froze up. I know what the amavissets mean – they're a sign of love and a promise of marriage within a year's time, but I'm just..."

"Unsure?" Penny asked.

"Yeah, unsure. I feel as if this is rushed. I feel happy that Yang is looking forward to marrying me, but I'm just not sure about it. What if the amavissets aren't about me? What if something happens, I mess up, and I just shrink inside my house. Inside my skin. What if I mess up so badly that Yang never wants to see me again? What if I'm not good enough for her?"

"Blake..." Penny said.

Blake's voice began to hitch. "I really, really like her, but what if I do something wrong? And if we get married, sure, but what if something happens after? Something really, really bad?"

"Blake, how much do you know about the story of the amavissets?"

"J-Just that if a person receives them, they will have good luck in love, and be married within a year's time. That's what happened with my parents, that's what happened in the story, but what if that isn't what happens with me?"

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