The meeting went on for what felt like hours. Finally, it ended and I was free, I saw Kirito and Asuna in the meeting so I figured I would talk to them a bit.

"Yo!" I say to Kirito as I sling my arm around him like we were pals

"What's up (U/N), I'm guessing everyone is doing well," Kirito asks me about my guild

"Yea all sunshine and rainbows, but there was this time a guy almost killed Liz but I was able to stop it in time," I say starting with an upbeat voice then changed to a cold one

"Let me guess...Laughing Coffin," he asks

"Yeah, it's been a while since then but I will never forget it. She had a face that....well I couldn't read it" I tell him

"I'm sure she was glad you were there," Kirito tells me

"Yeah," I say before Asuna comes over

" (U/N), Kirito, I didn't know you two were attending the meeting," Asuna says to us

" Yep, I got a thing or two to teach them," I say holding my fist up.

Asuna laughs a bit before saying, "same old (U/N), always a joker"

"Yep," Kirito agrees with her.

"Don't think I haven't seen you two together more often, a little more and I'll be seeing you two in the same bed" I say with a teasing smile.

Kirito just shrugs it off like a boss but the same can't be said for Asuna. She starts blushing like crazy and says, "are you like this to everyone!?"

"Pretty much, seriously Jam and Punisher have it the easiest," I tell the duo

"Dear God," Asuna says

"Anyway, I guess I'll see you tomorrow, eh?" I ask them

"Yep," they both say

I return to the guildhall and go to sleep.

I wake up early in the morning and head to where we will be attacking Laughing Coffin.

When I arrived, there were about 50 of us waiting, I spot Kirito and Asuna and give them a wave.

They waved back, then the attack begins.

It should be simple, I guess we are planning to get the jump on them.

Their main base seems to be in a cave-like structure, there wasn't much space and we really couldn't see all that well.

We were walking when everything went south.

Laughing Coffin members start to rain down on us taking us by surprise.

Our plan backfired and now it was plan B, fight for your lives.

A member with a battle axe rushed me and I respond like a champ. I deflected the axe with my Longsword and used the force of his strike against him by using it to power my attack.

When my sword deflected his axe I did a spin to keep up the momentum and slammed my sword into him. He went crazy and started to attack recklessly even though his health was all gone.

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