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Lia has been feeling down Riley even tried talking to her but she insists she's alright and since I'm Lias favorite I'm going to give it a try. Finding out Riley was pregnant broke my hear specially since her own father almost beat her to death trying to kill her baby which he succeed she's been more open up to us to me. I'm glad she is. I'm not mad she was pregnant because it wasn't my child it was someone's who used her but it was still her baby. I have no right to be mad because she's been through hell and she deserves everything in the world.

I was shocked ? Yes. I was actually surprised but I felt sorry for her that baby was the only thing she wanted to live for seeing her break down in front of us holding onto her sister for dear life it hurt I just wanted to hold her. When she sat next to me I tried comforting her but when she brought up the baby it hurt a little from her keeping it from us but she just wasn't ready to open up. But the girls been cheering her up they've been baking , doing each other's makeup, showing her funny videos making her laugh and smile. She's been happy, and when's she happy I'm happy.

But one day I know it's going to fall and I'm going to have to open up to her telling her I'm not just a football player I'm an underground fighter I don't know how she'll feel but I have to. If she wants me to quit I quit if she shrugs it off then I'll still fight and save up for an apartment and I hope she'll want to move in with me her and Lia. I don't know if she'll want to but I'll try.

My parents haven't been home since our argument. I have been home but everyday I go to Livs to be their with Riley I want to be their just in case if she falls back into that sadness where she just lays in bed and stares out the window. I need to be there for her because I need her to be with me I want her to be with me. Riley hasn't been going to school haven't I but I have to go back since I already got a message from coach asking where the hell have I been. But me and him made and agreement that I go back tomorrow since I told him somethings been going on at home.

He just said take care and he'll see me tomorrow. Me and Riley missed about two weeks or more days of school but I don't care as long as she is okay.

Making my way into the living room with Lia and Grace sitting in the couch whispering into each others ears and giggling. Giving a little knock on the wall getting their attention they both smile showing me their little teeth.

"Can I talk to Lia real quick Grace ?....It'll only be a minute." I walk over to them Grace puts her small arms on her chest crossing them eyeing me she puts up a finger showing one, "Only a minute." Before she walks out. These kids are young but act older then Wyatt and Ryder. Sitting down where Grace was at Lia smiles at me.

"Hi Ethan. What's wrong ?" She gives me a frown my hand goes through my hair and she takes a look at the couple tattoos in my arm looking at them. "Just wanted to know how you doing Lia ?" I smile which she nods.

"You know you can tell me anything and I'll help you theirs no need to be afraid to speak up." I rub her back before she sniffles. "Kids at school tell me I have no dad and they pick on me." Bitches. That makes my fist clench specially picking on a little girl. So what if she doesn't have a dad she has people who love her it doesn't matter if you have parents or not they have no right to pick on her.

"Who ?" I ask she looks up at me, seeing her glossy eyes she wipes them before looking down at her feet. "Faron." She mumbles. Now who the fuck names their kid 'Faron' he's the one who should be picked on. "Next time 'Faron' picks on you I want you to punch him straight in the nose with all your strength." I say she looks at me with a smile before it falls.

"How do you punch someone ?" She asks, I chuckle before showing her my fist and how you position it before punching the air. She does the same before I nod. "Don't tell your sister about this, this is our secret now go get ready for school." I smile before she nods jumping off the couch giggling up the stairs.

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