Dances and Desserts

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Emilia had lied her ass off and she had the feeling he could probably tell as they danced together awkwardly, her eyes following the people behind them as she just tries not to step on his toes and get through the song without screwing up. 

"So, Miss Delmont, how are you enjoying my party?" He asks, eyes over her head as they continue to gently turn in a circle, her eyes wavering from the beautiful pillars and to his face for a moment before back to the decor. 

"It's lovely, the music, the decorations, it's more than I could ever imagine." She murmured truthfully, eyes still focused on that and not on him. It wasn't that he was ugly or even unattractive, the man just had her on an edge and his eyes were something hypnotic in appearance. While Mr. Knyte's made her freeze, this man's made her squirm like her insides were created of vipers and worms determined to escape her bodily confines. 

"Indeed, it is quite beautiful, though I can think of things far more lovely." The line, as cheeky as it is, it still brings rose to her cheeks hidden beneath pounds of makeup that her mother had applied with a heavy hand. 

"You know, I had heard that Mr. Delmont had a new stepdaughter, and I wasn't sure what I was expecting, but you Emilia Delmont are not it." He murmurs, and she can feel his eyes focused on the top of her head, trying to see past the hairspray stiff locks and into her mind.

"It's Heart." She murmurs quickly, automatically, wincing as it escapes her painted lips and taking hold of it between her teeth so more scathing words did not betray her.

She could feel his chest rumble slightly as if holding back a laugh, but only a humm is audible above the music as his hand tightens gently on her waist bringing her a mere inch closer to his body. 

"Perhaps you were what I was expecting then, the spoiled brat that made the tabloid within a day, the one rejecting her new heiress title in favor of begrudging her new loving family." He mentioned stiffly, still speaking above her head as she tightened her hand on his determined not to retort. "But then again. . ."

His voice erupts in her ear, warm breath ghosting across the outer shell and forcing a shiver to arch her spine and look up in shock. "It could just be that you are smarter than most of the people in this room, and know that something else is going on, something much darker than my simple birthday party." 

The whisper seems to reverberate in her bones as for the second time her eyes meet his, that poisonous yellow-green capturing her voice for just a moment.

"I don't know what you're talking about." She murmurs, tearing her eyes from his again as he flings her in a gentle twirl before forcing her back to his chest, back to facing him.

"You see, I think you know precisely what I'm talking about, and I think that a smart girl like you could do much better than be a simple pawn for a second rate boss." He says, voice calm and conversational in tone.

"What do you mean?" Emilia questions, eyebrows furrowing slightly in confusion. Second-rate, so then Mr. Luppino, this man's father was that number one boss, and she was dancing with an heir to a very dangerous organization. Just greeaattt. . . Her sarcastic thoughts are interrupted by a sharp tap on her shoulder making her let go in surprise.

"Pardon me Miss Emilia, but may I have this dance?" The question comes from none other than Mr. Knyte, his grey eyes unmistakable, even in lighting such as this. 

"I. . uh. ." She is speechless, stammering as she glances awkwardly between the two men, light and dark, green and grey, stone and water she stands between unsure of which could lead to her demise.

"Of course you may steal this dance, I must attend to my other guests after all." He says, a small smirk coming to light on his lips as he carefully takes her hand, pressing his lips to it once more but his eyes rest on Mr. Knyte. "We shall speak again Emilia Heart, be sure of it." He murmurs before finally letting go and disappearing among the other dancers.

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