Issuing Challenges

613 28 8

(I'm getting back to writing! Yaaayyy!!!)

"Thank you, Mr. Knyte, I'm sure that Emilia really appreciates it." Jazz nudges her, winking playfully as she takes a sip of the delicious drink. Emilia just rolls her eyes at Jazz's attempts at match making but gives him a thankful smile anyway, enjoying the extra whipped cream atop her absolutely delicious beverage. Well, she hadn't actually tasted it yet, but the whipped cream certainly was good as ever. "So, what has Mr. Step-dad done now?" She teases, handing over a napkin so she could wipe away the whipped cream that had stuck like a mustache. 

Wiping it away furiously Emilia practically snarls out everything that had happened at her new "home". "And don't get me wrong, it is very nice and all but I am nearly 20! I am in college, I am a legal adult and I am being treated like a small child who has an enforced bedtime and can no longer drive herself. I have been deemed an untrustworthy teenager that supposedly does drugs and drinks nonstop, coming home drunk at 5 in the damn morning and gets pulled over every other night! " She rants on and on, she was pissed and when she was pissed, it did not go well for anyone. Her voice becoming high pitched and frantic with every word until Jazz slaps a hand over her mouth.

"Shush, I get the point, now be quiet and listen. Just because he says something does not mean you have to obey, we both know he isn't your dad and we both know that you don't give a damn about him. But, you do give a damn about your mom's happiness, so, just don't openly disagree and you'll be fine." Emilia glares at her best friend but does nod slowly in response, very tempted to bite the hand held fast over her mouth. "Now, if I take away my hand, will you promise to cool your shit?" Jazz asks, giving a knowing look to her with that super arched eyebrow that she had perfected in high school. Emilia nods again before licking her hand and she yanks it away in disgust, wiping it on her pants with a scrunched up nose. "And that was both unnecessary and disgusting you heathen." She growls, shaking her head as Emilia only gives a slight grin in response.

"You knew that was gonna happen, we have played this game since we were 14 years old so don't play that with me you child." She snaps back, sticking out her tongue to receive the same response from Jasmine. Their very childish debate was ended with a cough of probable laughter from the chair across from the pair of best friends that was filled by Mr. Knyte. 

Jasmine giggled softly at that, trying not to snort with a hand over her mouth as Emilia just blushes again. She seems to be doing that a lot today around the damn bodyguard, she managed to keep getting herself in some very awkward situations with this guy and it was not good for the person supposed to be protecting her to be to think she was the child that her own mother and Mr. Delmont thought she was. He reported to him for goodness sakes! There was no way he wouldn't hear about all of this which meant he would know about her feelings towards him and the rules. And towards her new bodyguard. 

Emilia suddenly felt a stab of guilt at the thought that he now knew she didn't want him with her and that she hated that he had that job. He really didn't seem like that bad of a guy, just much too serious for her personal taste in guys, even if he was extremely handsome.

"Well, since we don't have much to do, and you look an absolute mess, and I don't think either of us want to see Mr. Delmont again, how about we head to my house and get you cleaned up. I still have that wedding present for you remember?" Jazz teases, wiggling her eyebrows yet again as Emi just pouts looking down at her outfit. Obviously she didn't look her best at the moment with a crop top and some tight exercise shorts with her hair in that messy bun, but she didn't think she looked "an absolute mess". 

"It wasn't my wedding, I was the maid of honor." She grumbles but knows its absolutely pointless, the girl loved to spoil anyone she could and never took a chance not to.

"Yeah, but you had to suffer through it, so, I am going to see you at my house, your new sidekick can take you over but I brought my hunk of junk so I have to drive myself." She leans forward to whisper in her ear more quietly so that the "sidekick" couldn't hear what was said, "Besides, I don't think your hunk wants to let you out of his sight." The whispered words causing her cheeks to glow for what felt like the millionth time that day.

Before Emilia could protest or scream at her best friend's very inappropriate comment and choice of words, internally screaming as if they had twin telepathy that it was literally the guys job to do that. Taking another sip of the now melted whipped cream covered hot chocolate as she goes to stand, realizing there is a hand in front of her face or her to take as help out of the incredibly comfortable seat. Graciously accepting she gave him the quickest of smiles before turning back to pick up her book so she can place it back upon the shelf where it belongs.

"I will pull the car around ma'am." He says, formal once more with a face so straight and dull that it matches his black suit. 

"Ok, thanks." She murmurs, unsure still of how to respond to his unwavering stature as he walks out of the door. She let out the breath she had been holding in and made her way to the fantasy section, trying to find a good place to put the book on the shelf that actually made sense.

"So, who was that guy? Not your boyfriend clearly, he was way too hot for the likes of you. Maybe your brother, no, still too hot." A voice wonders aloud behind her, one of the most annoying and bitchy voices that she had ever heard and seems to drill into her very cranium sending shudders throughout her entire body.

"No, Brittany, he isn't my brother." She snarls, slipping the book back into place where it goes on the fantasy shelf.

"Who is he then? And why in the hell is he hanging around the likes of you?" Brittany accuses, grabbing the book she had just placed on the shelf and putting higher up to a shelf that she could have never reached. She ground her teeth together, why was this bitch so petty!

"He is, a colleague, of my mom's new husband, not that it is any of your business." She snarls the last part under her breath as she turns to head towards the door, praying that he had pulled the car around already and she wouldn't need to talk to the girl anymore. 

"Why in the world would someone like that hang around with. . . you?" Brittany trails off slowly and Emilia turns around to see why only to find her staring behind her open mouthed at someone or something.

"Miss Emilia, is this person bothering you?" Comes a stony voice behind her and she can't help but stiffen slightly as she turns to face him, trying to act as if this wasn't incredibly awkward. His sunglasses are still off, but his eyes didn't meet hers, instead they were staring daggers at the girl behind her, arms folded and suit jacket moved up to show something that Emilia had not noticed before, he had a gun at his waist. Why in the hell did he need to carry a gun! He was a body guard! Not some secret service guy protecting the damn president or something! She was 19 and had literally no enemies unless you counted the one stammering behind her, but that girl was hardly dangerous enough to need a gun!

"N-no, Mr. Knyte" Emilia stammers trying not to stare as his arms bulge beneath the jacket, clearly heavily muscled beneath that padding.

"No, all good here, just greeting an old friend." She swallows, very quiet all of a sudden as she takes several steps backwards. "I'll see you around Emilia." She says, very quickly before heading back behind the safety of the counter. Until that moment Emilia hadn't realized how dead silent the cafe had become, all eyes on them, or more specifically her protector and the weapon strapped at his side.

"Are you ready to leave Miss Emilia?" He asks, his arms unfolding and jacket falling to hide the holster again as he waves an arm towards the door and the car awaiting them outside. Quietly, uncomfortably, she nods and precedes him outside, all eyes on the two of them, but his eyes only on her.

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