Family Dinner

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"Do you believe in omens?" Emilia can't help but ask Alexander as they wander down the stairs together, for once side by side instead of one following the other.

"Not necessarily, why?" He responds, clearly suspicious of the question for no reason as she only responds with a shrug, not saying anything as she tries not to think about everything. Every suspicious little thing that he has done, that he has said, and that card just seems to confirm that he is not the innocent businessman he seems to be.

Alexander motions inside of the dining room already set for three with Mr. Delmont and her mom waiting for her, his stiff shoulders evident under the suit and tie that never seems to leave the formal man's body. Catherine is dressed in a beautiful slimming dress that was probably some designer she could never have afforded on her own, but looking more elegant and herself than ever before.

The gracious smile on her face melts away the past two years in a heart beat as she suddenly looks like the woman she is, barely 45 in age and still young in spirit. 

Emilia can't help the guilt that eats at her stomach at the sight, she doesn't belong here. This elegant company, the beautiful table setting, but just because she doesn't belong does not mean that her mother doesn't. She thinks with determination, trying to feel like half the woman her mother is in what looks like rags by comparison.

She had never felt uncomfortable or out of place by wearing comfortable clothes in her own house, but suddenly, as she takes her seat with them, she feels like the ugly duckling compared to a pair of peacocks.

"I hear you had a fun time last night with Jazz?" Her mother calls across to her, voice lovely and soft, trying to make light conversation as the food is served from formal platters by servants who didn't even expect the thank you that she offers after receiving the food. The only thing Emilia notices is the tightening of Mr. Delmont's hand on his fork and knife as he moves to cut into the lemon chicken so he can take a bite.

Emilia can feel his eyes on her as she answers, "Pretty fun, just a girls night, nothing too big." She murmurs, quickly taking a bite of the thing that smells amazing, besides, she's starving and she needs some damn sustenance. Besides, the food gives her an excuse not to say anything else.

"Oh! That's wonderful, I bet she had you wear one of her dresses again, you should really take some fashion advice from her, she dresses very well and definitely knows how to dress you too." Her mother comments slyly. Ah yes, one of their old arguments, that she doesn't know how to dress herself. Currently, she really doesn't want to get into this conversation and just nods her head in response.

"Your mother is right you know, I can pay for them if you want?" The offer seems to be a kindly gesture, but Emilia has the feeling that it's all for appearances sakes as she meets his cold eyes, no emotion, no nothing. She feels cold inside at the thought of him buying anything for her.

"No thank you, I like the clothes I have." She tries to be as polite as possible but knows damn well that the tightness in her voice is audible for everyone.

"Alright sweety, just let us know if you would ever like to change your look, you know we can afford it now." Comes her mother's ever so melodic voice as she ignores it to take another bite of the mouthwatering chicken. She couldn't help but notice the emphasis on the words "we" and "us", and how they don't apply to her.

It was always her and her mom, them against the world, and sure there were arguments and struggles, but they were together, they had gotten by, never rich, but they had survived and been happy. Or was her mom faking all those happy nights, were the tears her only real feelings, and she wasn't enough for her, even after all these years.

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