The Docks

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Emilia stretches and yawns, turning her head to get a look at where she is, she doesn't know what it is, but something about the sun made her feel incredibly tired, every time. She somehow ended up feeling like a cat most of the time, she chuckles internally at the idea.

She spots Alexander sitting there, his shirt half unbottoned as he leans back on his elbows looking at her, for the first time giving her a real, genuine smile that takes her breath away. His teeth are pearl white, and straight as anything, the smile crinkling the edges of his eyes and making his appearance all the more handsome but adding a little spark that hadn't been there before. It looked, natural, and hot as fuck her brain decided to add.

"Good evening sunshine, enjoy your nap?" He teases and making her blush rather darkly at the little use of a nickname, the first time he hadn't been completely formal when addressing her and it felt nice.

"Yes, very relaxing." She murmurs, stretching in a downward dog before sitting up on her feet and stretching her arms over head before turning to face him. She found him still staring at her raptly, making her blush all the harder. Goddamn, she though she had gotten this stupid thing under control. "How have you enjoyed the beach?" She questions in return, giving him a smile of her own as his slowly begins to fall from his face, returning to that stoic expression he always wears. 

"Uneventful." He says, uninformative, and expressionless as always. But he still has a hint of smile, and she can finally see that tattoo she had glimpsed the outline of last night. It was odd, a shape like a circle with words written inside it on his very defined pec. 

Without hesitation, Emilia leans over and pulls his shirt to the side, tracing the design with a gentle finger. She can feel his hard muscle and soft skin beneath her finger as she gently traces the letters, she recognizes the words but isn't quite sure what it means.

"Veni Vidi Vici" She murmurs with a Spanish accent, the language she had taken 5 years of in High School. "What does it mean?" She wonders, looking up into his eyes with her hand still resting on his chest unintentionally, half leaning over his body and much closer than she had intended.

"Veni Vidi Vici" He murmurs, in an Italian accent and sounding much better than she could have managed blushing more at the correction, "It means, I came, I saw, I conquered, I got it when I moved her from Italy when I was 17." He tells her, very relaxed under her gently hand that still traces the letters ever so lightly, mesmerized by the beautiful look and swirl of them together, an art on his body.

"It's beautiful," She murmurs, pulling her hand away slowly, not wanting to take it off of his warm skin, it feels nice to have it there, and definitely not so nice to take it away.

"Thank you," He responds, inhaling slowly as she does as if he doesn't want her to take it away either, still holding her eyes with his beautiful ones as she tries to hide a smile that wants to light up her face.

"Uhm, we should probably head out, I want to stop somewhere on the way back." She says quickly, standing up and picking up the beach towel he had lent her, shaking off as much sand as she manage and making sure to do it far away from both his clothes and shoes to avoid getting them sandy as well.

"Where?" He questions, doing the same and helping her pack up quickly as she hesitates to tell him as they walk back towards the car, his jacket over his shoulder and shoes in his hand.

She swallows hard before finally answering, "Amicidio Docks." She calls back, and keeps walking as she hears his feet stop, not stopping when she reaches the car and starts filling the trunk with the things before working to slip her coverup back on, allowing it to hang loosely on her shoulders and not tying the part that would cover her cleavage.

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