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"Allow me" Alexander practically teases, having her make a face as he grabs the bowl that she had been trying to reach what felt like lifetimes ago. Handing it down to her she accepts graciously and begins pouring liberal amounts of oats and milk into it before placing it in the rather huge microwave and beginning to heat and cook the long awaited breakfast.

Staring through that tinted glass at her bowl to make sure it doesn't boil over, because she never measures to make sure it doesn't, her mind wanders elsewhere, specifically to her talk with Mr. Delmont, if one could call it that of course. Specifically, her mind wanders to specific facts. 1, that he carries a gun with him at all times. 2, his display of anger, not at her getting in trouble, but her being disobedient. And 3, why would he be so angry at her being intelligent, most parental figures would be proud.

The heavy beeps of a finished microwave bring her out of the revery as she opens it to pull out the hot bowl, only to be beaten to it by Alexander and a pair of rubber hot pads so he won't burn his hands as he does. Shaking her head slightly at the level of protection he affords her she scoots from beneath his long arms and over to a revolving spice rack from which she yanks cinnamon and nutmeg, before pulling maple syrup from the refrigerator. Once again, it is the fancy kind in a glass bottle shaped like a maple leaf and spelling the words, 100% Canadian syrup. Of course it is the fancy kind, she thinks, rolling her eyes.

Pouring rather generous amounts of each of the ingredients into her bowl before stirring vigorously with the spoon she had pulled out before her fear invoking meeting, she blows on a spoonful liberally before finally taking her first bite of food for the day and sighing in ecstacy at the delicious taste that envelops her tongue. Setting it aside for a moment to allow the oatmeal to cool before she continues her feast, she searches for a chair so she can sit at the island in the middle of the glorious kitchen.

Finding none she simply shrugs and moves her bowl to it before attempting to hoist herself up to sit atop beside it. Unfortunately, she is just slightly too short to accomplish such a feat, instead  she can feel her butt slipping off the edge just as she attempts to turn herself to face the open kitchen. Finding a pair of strong hands on her waist, lifting her to sit effortlessly on the edge she can't help that same heat creeping up her cheeks as always, urging her to forget about the food and run to her bedroom to hide beneath the covers.

But she had enough cowardice for the day, besides, she was still starving, she decided, thanking Alexander yet again for his aid as she scoots back a little further, her feet dangling nearly two feet from the ground and she gives him a small smile before placing the bowl in her lap and beginning to eat ravenously, practically chewing on the spoon as she gets lost in thoughts once more.

"What are you thinking about, Miss Emilia?" Alexander suddenly interrupts as she misses her bowl for the third time as she tries to take another bite of the food and yanks her out of the thoughts again, she can't help but hesitate to tell this man. He has been loyal to her, but she is not his employer, and no matter how nice he is, how safe she feels with him, she is not his first loyalty and she can not forget that. But, if she isn't his first loyalty, then that means he knows things, and if she spills her guts, just maybe she can learn more than what she has already figured out.

"Why does Mr. Delmont carry a gun?" She asks, looking into those eyes with determination this time, she will not let that gaze distract her from her goal, she needs to know, and she needs to now now.

"For personal protection." He answers automatically and she can't help but raise an eyebrow. She is terrible at raising her eyebrows, she can't seem to separate them for the life of her and just always ends up looking surprised when she tries to look suspicious.

"In his own office? When he's already surrounded by personal guards and a fence so high that even a squirrel couldn't get past it?" She questions, knowing that she is right, that there has to be another reason. He wasn't reaching for it because he was threatened by her, no, he was reaching for it to threaten her with, a 19 year-old girl.

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