The Golden Weapons

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After that encounter Morro led the 4 ninja to sensei wu,
Wu then told them that destiny brought them together here,
He used spinjitzu to change their clothes into accurately colored suits,
Morro the Grey ninja of wind, his personality comes in gusts like the wind,
Kai the red ninja of fire, his personality is hot headed like the fire with in him,
Jay the blue ninja of lightning, his lightning fast thinking makes him the perfect candidate,
Zane the white ninja of ice,
His cold but welcoming personality matches the ice element that he controls,
Then finally Cole the black ninja of earth, strong and grounded like the earth he is warm and caring at heart.

After that introduction sensei Wu told them about the Golden weapons and how they needed to find and protect them from lord garmedon,
However sensei Wu spoke about 6 when there were only 5 ninja,
Sensei wu told them that he didn't know who the sixth was yet,
They all just nodded,
They went to hunt for the first golden weapon the scythe of quakes, hidden in the caves of dispair,
They carried sensei on a cartel and took off,
however Morro had a bad feeling and decided to stay with sensei once they arrived,
Before they left sensei warned them not to use the weapon,
The four ninja snuck their way in finding the map, they found out that the map was held upside down and that the samukai were digging in the wrong place, they snatched the map and quickly went to the right location, and found the scythe, they were so happy they accidentally talked to loud alerting the samukai,
They came face to face and unlocked spinjitzu during the battle, however when they tried to escape the guardian was behind them, a giant earth dragon, they were cornered but Kai used the weapon and they escaped,
However when they arrived sensei and Morro were mad that they used the weapon, they all pointed at Kai and he retaliated saying that they wouldn't have been able to escape and reminding them that he only came to save his sister.

They went to the next location to retrieve the shield of cyclones, it was dead man's eye, this time all the ninjas went to climb the mountain,
They where met with snow storms and rough terrain until they finally reached the top,
At the top a wind dragon blew a powerful gust of wind almost knocking of all the ninja however Morro maneges to catch them all before they fall using his wind power, the dragon, impressed at Morro's showing lends them a ride to the skies in wich the shield is floating, Morro grabs it out of the air and seemingly by itself the shield carried Morro of the dragon, when he finally got control Morro surfed back down and the dragon put them back down, when they tried to leave the dragon followed so they decided to take him with them, the 5 ninja rode down on the dragon and wu was satisfied drinking his final cup of tea,
They discovered that the dragons only wanted to protect the weapons and they went back to save the earth dragon, from getting crushed and they used him to go to the next location.

Somewhere else a mysterious man wearing a cloak decided to safe some villagers using spinjitzu, earth and firejitzu, the villagers cheered as he simply walks away.

Another chapter done! Hope you enjoyed it because this one took really long, it was my first truly self made part of the story when they retrieved the shield of cyclones, this was over 600 words so any votes would be appreciated!

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