𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮- 𝘽𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜

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"Oh my god!" Kate rushed out of the door, wrapping y/n in a tight hug. "That dress is absolutely stunning!"

She nodded, squirming slightly from the pressure. "Thanks."

"Good evening, your majesty." Milton bowed with a chuckle, following closely behind Robin and Wendy. "What's the problem?"

"Y/n can't get in." Robin scratched her eyebrow, making eye contact with the girl in-front of her. She wasn't sure what to do about the situation, but she knew that if she waited a bit longer, inspiration was bound to struck.

She twisted the buttons on her blazer through thought as Kate sympathised with her friend. "How about I write your name onto my invite as my plus one, like I suggested the other day?"

Wendy looked over to Kate, shaking her head. "You've already given in your ticket, it won't work."

"You know what?" Y/n brushed her fingers through a strand of hair. "I'm probably just going to head home, are you coming, Robin?"

"Oh, wait hey! You can't just miss prom, your date'll wonder where you've gone. How about you two stay out here for a bit until both of them arrive." Milton suggested, not wanting them to waste their night. After all, this was like the reward for finishing another dreadful year in Hawkins High.

Y/n contained a smile, and glanced over at Robin for permission. A small nod was gifted in return. Time for them to know the truth.
"Actually my dates already arrived. And so has Robin's."

Kate scrunched her eyebrows, folding her arms to keep out the cold. "I haven't seen them, have you?"

Wendy shook her head.

"I'm certain that you definitely have." Robin muttered almost timidly in her stance. She wasn't sure if it was the cold night air that was leaving trails of goosebumps on her skin, or the anxiety of the situation.

"Turns out, I lied about the name." Y/n sighed, but then let a smile creep onto her face. "Their name isn't Robert, It's Robin,"

Milton blinked, silence overtaking the group.

"And it's not Baker, it's Buckley."

The loss of speech in the three of them made the atmosphere incredibly awkward, like their friends had yet to figure out what they had meant. Robin was sure they knew exactly what they had meant, but was too shocked to speak on it.

"I- oh my god." Kate spoke, eyes wide. "You two are like, such a cute couple."

Robin opened her mouth slightly, trying to decipher whether or not the comment was sarcasm. It didn't seem so.
"Surprise." She whispered, looking down to the floor.

"Well that's great! But you can't just go home."
Milton complained, still not dropping their decision.
The young Buckley sighed a sigh full of relief. All that worrying, all that effort, just for the matter to be looked over. That was exactly what she was hoping for, and could tell y/n felt the same.

"Well, I do know another way in, but you three'll have to go back inside for it to work."

The group all nodded at Robin, trusting her to get them both into prom without a problem. The pressure was on again, but the responsibility of the situation overpowered it.

Winter-feeling air whipped around y/n's bare arms, and she hugged herself to keep warm. The girl had no idea how Robin was going to get them in, but being one of the smartest people that she knew, had faith.

People glanced over at the two girls who were hanging around the carpark, possibly wondering why they weren't inside, or wondering why the blonde one was staring ever so contently at the girl in-front of her. Either one was a good enough prediction.

Y/n cleared her throat, catching Robin's attention. She smiled as her friend caught what she was doing, and diverted her vision to the concrete.

"So, what's the plan?" She asked, leaning against Milton's car.
Robin tucked a stray piece of hair behind her ear. "If getting in there is something you honestly, truly want to do- there's a way in the back."

Y/n nodded slowly, parting her lips. "What... a door?"

Robin shook her head, chewing the inside of her bottom lip. "A window. The doors are locked after four. Mr Hauser told me."

"Right... okay"

"The music room window is always open as Miss usually forgets to close it after smoking a cigarette."

"Well then, what're we waiting for? The prom won't hold itself."

Robin's insides ached. It was worse enough walking through the front door, let alone breaking in commando-style, just like a surprise attack.
"Right, follow me."

The two girls rushed off to the end of the building, ducking behind a hedge to sneak down the side of the school. Street light barely reached their destination, but it was pretty easy to spot an open window.

"You sure this is safe? Or allowed?"

Robin ducked under a stray branch.
"Safe? Eh. Allowed? The furthest from it."

"I never knew you could be so adventurous, Miss Buckley." She chuckled, making Robin smirk.

"Well, looks like I've changed."

The leader, Robin, reached the open window, and pulled it out so it was wide enough for them. "After you."

Y/n took a step forward, climbing into the windowsill. Her date kept an eye out for any intrusion while she clambered in, converse meeting the floor inside. Robin followed shortly after, stumbling slightly as she dropped into the room below.

No light was present in the small music office, but the gap though the keyhole signified the way.

The hallways outside were barren, only a stray student nipping out to the toilet every now and then. The two walked in silence past the classrooms, taking a glance into Mr Hauser's on the way. Like he mentioned earlier, he was still marking when they passed, but looked up and smiled when the two girls stopped in the window.
Robin put her hand up when y/n took a step further, and her teacher gave her a thumbs up for luck. She'd got this.

Carrying on their journey to the hall, the music became clearer as they passed a few people littering the hallways. Crying girls, happy couples and friend groups were all to be seen sitting against the lockers.

The double doors leading to the gymnasium inched closer, and the glow of party lights beamed through the windows. This was it, their grand entrance. In there was their friends, opinions, judgements to be made.

Y/n and Robin paused outside of the door, looking over to each other. Eye contact remained for a moment, before y/n reached down and grabbed Robin's hand.
Robin looked down. Their hands fit perfectly, almost like a jigsaw, and surprisingly, it felt like the most natural thing in the world.

Giving it a squeeze of support, y/n nodded. "Come on then, time to make our grand entrance."

They both looked back towards the door, and made a push on the wood.

𝘿𝙤𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝘿𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙨- 𝙍𝙤𝙗𝙞𝙣 𝘽𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙡𝙚𝙮 𝙭 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now