𝙋𝙖𝙧𝙩 𝙩𝙬𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙮 𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙚- 𝙉𝙤 𝙩𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙩, 𝙣𝙤 𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙧𝙮

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The gates to the carpark were open, and numerous flashes of light were blaring through the gaps in the curtained windows. Prom was already in full force, and people were still arriving.

"Right, yeah, okay." Robin breathed as she unbuckled her seatbelt. She didn't allow herself time to think about her actions, through risk of over thinking them, so let her legs carry her to wherever they may go.

Dr.Martens hit the ground, and the girl was on her feet. The concrete beneath felt uneven and rocky, hard to walk on, but she waddled over to the entrance, legs feeling like jelly.

This was it. Even though Robin was surrounded by tons of people, all rowdy and loud, she seemed completely alone. Alone with her thoughts, her nerves, her feelings. It was incredibly isolating, and terribly irritating.

Milton looked over to her as he reached the doorway, straightening his suit blazer. The lady at the desk smiled, and looked to the both of them. Robin recognised the woman as one of the mom's, and forced a smile to be polite.

"Welcome, could you show me your tickets please?"

Milton nodded and reached into his fabric pockets. He rose with a white slip of cardboard, and presented it at the desk. The woman smiled and nodded them through. "Have fun you two."

Robin followed Milton like an obedient dog, feeling stupidly out of place. Upon taking a glance from anywhere other than the floor, Robin soon realised that she was the only female in a suit, and it made her quite embarrassed.
The music blared as the speakers vibrated, spotlights bouncing off every blue, white and silver streamer. A giant tapestry sign at the end of the gymnasium read 'The snowball of '83' and it struck the girl where she was. She had made it, she had made it into prom.

After years of swearing that she'd never go, never even think of going, she'd gone against her own rules.
A flurry of greetings snapped Robin back into reality.
"Hey you two!" Kate rushed over, Dash in tow. She was wearing the same dress as she and Wendy had picked out, and a few moments later, her dress-partner had joined them too.

"Hey! Wow you look great!" Milton smiled at Wendy, who blushed slightly under her foundation.
"Thankyou" she smiled in return, looking him in the eyes. "You too."

Kate rolled her eyes with a smile. "Has y/n arrived yet?"

Robin shook her head. "Not yet."

"And we're still waiting on that Robert guy." She added, putting her hand on her hips.

Butterflies flew around her stomach. Any time now the group would be finding out that Robert wasn't Robert at all, and that Robert had already arrived.

"Where's your date, Robin?" Dash smirked, crossing his arms. He was gifted with a glare in return.

"They'll be arriving any time soon."

"Sure they will. Alright folks, I'm going to get some punch."

Kate rolled her eyes as her boyfriend walked away, ready for another serving of presumably tampered-with drink.
"It's already been spiked." She tapped her foot. "And I think you can guess who by."

Robin nodded, but deep down, wanted to run over to the bowl, either drink the whole lot or drown herself in it. Either way it would calm her nerves. She figured that alcohol breath wouldn't go down well with her date though.


Y/n sped up the pace as she reached the school road, only one more turn until her destination.
Her legs were tired from peddling, and didn't know how they were going to manage to do any dancing. Not that she'd dance anyways, but it's the thought that counts.

Time seemed to be ticking by faster and faster as the wheels spun around and around, eventually bringing its owner up to the school gates. The base of the music flowed out into the atmosphere, making the outside of the school resemble somewhat of a night club.
You wouldn't have known it was a party made for kids.

Taking one step at a time, y/n dismounted her vehicle, adjusted her shoulder straps, smoothed down the fabric, and headed over to the doors to make her grand entrance.

"Hey." She greeted the lady at the door.

"Hiya, may I see your ticket please?" The bouncer asked, leaning on the table.

Y/n blinked. "I don't actually have one."

Silence ensued the two of them.

"No ticket, no entry, I'm afraid."

Finding the situation stupid, and panicking a slight bit, y/n questioned the authority. "But I'm a student here, and my dates in there. I don't have a ticket because I wasn't given one, I'm new, how was I supposed to know?"

She prayed to god that the 'I'm new' excuse would work, just like it did with most things, but the woman did not budge.

Thankfully, y/n was spotted by a certain someone inside.
Robin caught eyes with her date in the doorway, beautiful green silk shimmering in the light. "Guys," she announced, "I'll be back in a minute."

Taking slow steps forward, she tiptoed towards the door, taking each inch carefully. This was it, the big moment.
Y/n smiled at her as she reached the door, and looked her up and down. "Wow" she opened her mouth. "You look- you look amazing!"

Robin looked down to the floor, blush tainting her cheeks. "You too." She replied, and she meant it. Her prom date looked absolutely stunning, even if the opposite didn't seem to think so. The viridian green contrasted beautifully against her dark lips, and Robin had to stop herself from admiring the girl in-front of her forever. It was pretty easy to stop once the woman told them off for blocking the doorway.

Y/n grabbed Robin's hand, pulling her out into the carpark. "That bitch at the door won't let me in." She hissed, eyes burning towards the brunette woman at the table.

Robin blinked. "What? Why?"

"Because I haven't got a ticket"

"But you're a student! And it's not like you're going on your own. They can't just not let you in?"

Y/n huffed. "That's exactly what I thought. It's stupid, and I'm sorry. I should've let Kate put my name down."

Robin placed a comforting hand on the girls arm. "It's not your fault. Now just bare with me, I'll just go get the others, then we'll find a way in."

Y/n nodded as her date rushed back inside, going to inform her friends about the situation at hand.


Steve's BMW rolled up to the gates a few seconds after Robin had gone in to fetch her friends, and Dustin smiled at his older mate. "Thanks, Steve."

Harrington smiled and patted Henderson on his shoulder. "Go get em kid"

Dustin grinned, sticking his thumb up in the air as he left the vehicle, shutting the door behind him. Steve watched the middle-schooler saunter his way over to the entrance and show his ticket, only to disappear through the doorway.
His job was done, and now it was time to go.
He pulled his car into gear, but paused for a moment as he noticed a group of people walk over to a single girl. That single girl being his meant-to-be-prom-date, y/n.

Rolling his eyes, the senior huffed and reversed out of the gates, leaving the guilt of prom in the past. There was nothing he could do about it now.

𝘿𝙤𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝘿𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙨- 𝙍𝙤𝙗𝙞𝙣 𝘽𝙪𝙘𝙠𝙡𝙚𝙮 𝙭 𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now