"But there's nothing to do at this hour."

"That's what you think."

Slipping on his hoodie, Suna walks over to the door and grabs his shoes. He ties his laces before walking over to your desk. The sound of his keys clinking together fills your ears making you realize what he was implying.

"Give me like 5 minutes." You while getting up from the bed and stretching your arms.

Walking towards your closet, you reach for a regular black hoodie and slip it on before finding some regular tennis shoes and putting them on.

Suna waits for you by the door as he swings his keys on his pointer finger creating a clinking sound. Once he sees you were done, he leaves the door open for you as you step out.

"Any specific locations." He asks while glancing down at you.

"Nope, why don't we just drive through wherever."

"I like the sound of that." Suna says while walking out the front door.

A smile remains on your lips as you lock the door behind you while making sure to grab the house keys to enter later.

You skip all the way to the car where Suna was already waiting for you with the door open. Quickly pressing a kiss on his cheek, you hop into the car and buckle up as you wait for Suna to do the same thing.

The stars shone brightly as through the windshield in the pitch black night. A few lamp posts provided light to the deserted streets which added to the night time aesthetic.

As soon as Suna was done, he handed you his phone where you had the honors of finding a song to start off the late night drive.

Upon pressing the shuffle button, the song In Love by LeRoyce began playing, and replaced the silence within the car with a more lively feeling.

"Once we're older, I can imagine us driving through the streets at night listening to music for fun." Suna says while bobbing his head to the beat of the music.

"Same, and I love how you already know we'll still be around each other in the future."

"Of course. I'm here for the long run (Y/N)." He says while continuing to drive through the dimly lit streets of the Hyōgo suburbs.


March 4, 2022

Time: 2:47 AM

"I kinda want to adopt another cat." Suna says as he drags the dark green nail polish across his nails.

"That would be cool. Knowing how you are with Nora, I'm sure you'll spoil the hell out of the cat." You say with a chuckle as you close your eyes and relax within the beat of the soft music playing.

"True, I thi-"

Suna was interrupted by the sound of your phone ringing.

You scrunch your eyebrows together in confusion considering the fact it was pretty late. Suna only watches as you stare at your phone before you realize who was calling.

Quickly swiping the phone, you place the phone up to your ear waiting for the person on the other end to say something.




"Judging by how excited you seem it must be something good." You say with a laugh.

When I'm with you/ SunaxFem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now