"Hey." I said, softly. Straight away billie sensed something was off.

"Hey what's wrong pretty?" Her voice matched the quiet of mine.

"I miss you. Is that weird?" Billie smiled at my comment.

"I get that. I miss you too weirdo," she paused as she tilted her head, noticing that something was really off with me, "so, you gonna talk to me about it?"

I let out a sigh, "I don't have my own house, I live alone because my parents died in an accident, and Tom and Jules are my family because they're the closest thing I have to family, and today is the anniversary of the funeral, and I guess I have spent all day with my family but it's hard..." I paused to take a breath, "I sat alone at the lake for an hour and I just had a lot of time to think, and I just thought about them, and I thought about you and..."

Billie cut me off, "fucking hell I wish I could just give you a huge cuddle right now Reese."

I let out a slight laugh, Billie looked confused. "I'm laughing cause I was at the lake and I was thinking about this, us. We're strangers, but like perfect strangers?" I said in a questioning tone.

"You aren't a stranger to me, pretty."

Billie and I fell into a long chat about anything and everything. I told her I wanted her to know about it because I wanted her to take my mind off it, I didn't want to talk about it, and so Billie brought up anything she could to keep my brain occupied.


I must've fallen asleep listening to her stories because I woke up the next morning to FaceTime still on, and Billies perfect sleeping face. She must've put her phone on the bedside table before she fell asleep. It was dark on her screen, her house was so quiet unlike usual. My heart literally melted as I stared at her beauty.

Without ending the call I walked downstairs to make some breakfast. I had absolutely nothing on my agenda today so a chilled day at home it was. To say I don't have many people in my life, I'm a very busy person.

One thing I never get chance to do is sit outside in my back garden- this morning I decided that's what I was going to do. I quickly threw some food together then made my way to the garden.

I pulled out a chair and placed my bowl of fruit and cereal onto the table. My eyes subconsciously closed as I soaked up the sun for a moment...

"Good morning princess" Dad spoke, "and good morning my Queen." He added as me and mum joined him in the garden for breakfast. He'd set up the table with fresh fruit, pancakes, bacon&eggs for him and mum as I'm vegetarian, and a tea pot. Dad always made the most of the UK sun as it was a rare occasion. "Morning honey" mum spoke up, she sat down in the seat dad pulled out for her. "Morning dad." We all caught each other up on our week as it was sunday. "Putting education aside, hows work Reese? How's Jules?" Mum asked. She'd popped in the cafe numerous times and gotten to know Jules, dad had come for breakfast a couple of times too so he could join in this conversation. "Jules is good, and I love the cafe so much." My parents faces lit up. "We're very proud of your customer service skills, you'll be a brilliant boss one day!" Dad added.

"Hey, you're up." Billies extra raspy voice spoke up snapping me out of my flashback. It was still dark there, but her sleep is usually interrupted.

"Hey sleepy head, I've been up a couple of hours."

Billie sent me a smirk, "have you been watching me sleep?"

I rolled my eyes, "no." I already sensed a cocky remark heading my way by the smirk on her face.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." Something about tired billie made me feel some type of way. "This is the first time I've woken up to your face, even if it is four am" she added.

"I'm not the prettiest morning person" I bit into a strawberry.

"Are you joking? Look at you eating your fresh fruit looking all pretty and shit." A nervous giggle escaped my lips.

"What you doing today bub?" Her selection of names she calls me get me every time.

"For the first time in forever, nothing. What about you?"

Billie raised an eyebrow at me, "you literally never do nothing? Dude you need a day off to chill. I'm recording songs later with finneas, hopefully releasing soon."

I squealed. "Im so excited. I just want to listen to you singing all day."

She blushed, then quickly she covered her face with her hands, "shut up..." there was a slight silence before she carried on, "kinda breaks my heart that you're eating breakfast alone."

"I'm not alone, you're here." I smirked.

"You're hot." She gives me butterflies with every word she says.

"Ok but so are you."

We stayed on the phone for so long; Billie was only recording songs at ten am her time so we spent our free time just talking shit.

"I don't want to go..." she sulked as she sent me puppy dog eyes.

"you need to go and make some fucking good music, you can call me afterward" I laughed. I could see Billie smiling at me in awe causing my heart to melt- no one had ever looked at me that way.

Addi and I never got on very well, it was mostly arguments, and toxicity. Whatever billie and I were, it just felt different.

"Ok, I'll see your pretty face later," and with that Billie ended the call.

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