Chapter 51 - Blindsided But Faithful

Start from the beginning

     The nurse carefully nods her head in response, as I immediately break down into tears, covering my face with my shaking hands. Firm arms wrap tightly around me as Caleb holds me against him so I don't helplessly fall to the ground, and I pull my arms around him with my tears leaking onto his shirt. "It's okay, Bella. We'll get through this. . ." He nearly chokes on his words but he sounds so positive and strong that it somewhat relaxes me, and slows down my uncontrollable sobs.

    "Loss of healthy skin complextion, cyanosis which is pale grey or blue skin color, rapid breathing, and when I listened to her heart with the stethascope I heard a slight murmur," Her voice comes out slow and cautious, almost like she's trying to make us feel better but it clearly has not worked the way she planned and she's able to tell from the sound of me literally gasping for air through tears. I rest my face against his chest and open my eyes and through the blurriness I'm able to see her as she emotionally stares at me. "Before you start to think that this is a diagnosis, just please know it's not. I'm simply a nurse... I really think you should see a pediatric cardiologist."

   "Alright," I softly rush out, quickly nodding my head as I step forward and stare down at my daughter in nothing but sadness and fear. I protectively pick her up and craddle her tightly in my arms against my chest, leaning down and pressing my lips against her forehead and squeezing my eyes closed.

    Caleb quietly lets out, "It's okay Bella. I love you."

   More tears fill beneath my eyelids as I rest my cheek against the top of her head, cupping my hand lightly against her cheek when pulling back to look down into her eyes. And her lower lip sticks out and she pouts because she unexpectedly starts to cry. "Don't cry, Nevaeh. Please don't cry," I softly beg her, carefully rocking her to calm here down because in all honesty, I can't stand hearing her cry. Caleb wraps his arms around the both of us, with Nevaeh between us, and although both of his girls are sobbing he stays strong for us like the man he is.

   "It's going to be okay Izzy," I hear my mother say from behind me, actually sounding like she knows this for a fact but all that is running through my mind is how my baby's skin is slightly blue, which is far from normal and being okay. "You both can handle this."

     "I'll be back in just a moment. I'm going to gro grab our secretary to transfer you to the cardiology ward. This can take up to maybe only ten minutes. But I'll quicken it up down to hopefully five, okay guys? You're in the hospital and thankfully there's pediatric surgeons here which sometimes there normally isn't in hospitals. Sometimes they're located in their own buildings or in others, but there's one here and the doctors are very good with what they do," The nurse lets out in a different type of tone, almost happy and calm in a way as I cautiously lock my eyes with hers.

     I whisper in a hopeful voice, "Really?" 

   "Really." And she smiles in return, actually picking up my spirits for the first time of me being in this familiar building, the building I gave birth to my healthy baby girl just two weeks ago. . .

    It's unbelievable how fast things can comes crashing down right before your eyes.

    It's about twenty minutes until everything is finally settled and we feel relaxed, since we're in the cardiology section of the hospital and in our own room with Nevaeh, which actually has a door so there's much more privacy and there are two chairs. This room is used for infants I'm easily able to tell because of the table specially designed to lay your baby, which actually relieves me in a way to be aware that we're in the right place for our daughter and we are going to find out what exactly is going on. My mother is sitting down in a chair mostly shocked, and I can't help but feel bad for her because she really doesn't have to be here right now.

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