chapter 7 - Dead Calm

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Day One

Morning - Tannyhill Estate - Outside

Isa, John B, Lia and Sarah arrived back at Tannyhill after dropping everyone else off, walking through the front gate, along the side of the house as they talked about the plan.

"Okay, what's the plan?" Sarah asked.

"We're gonna go and melt the bricks so they're not traceable," John B answered.

Lia nodded. "Yeah."

"This afternoon, we're gonna take it to the pawnshop," Isa explained. "And after that, we'll pay for JJ's restitution."

"How many bars?" Lia asked.

"I don't know," John B admitted. "It was all muddy." Ward was inside, seeing the four of them arrive through the window. "I think it was like 500."

"500?" Sarah repeated in shock.

John B shrugged. "600."

Sarah smiled., speaking a little too loudly. "600 bars of gold?"

Lia nudged Sarah. "Sarah, shh. Not that loud."

"Right, sorry," Sarah apologized.

"I don't know," John B told them. "It could be a thousand. It was all muddy, but it was everywhere." Ward opened the window to try and hear them. "Covering the walls, stacks of it."

Isa smiled. "Four hundred million dollars, baby. It's all there."

Sarah laughed. "Hey, that's crazy."

Lia smiled at Isa and John B. "You did it."

"We did it," Isa corrected. Lia smiled. "Now we just have to get it out of there."

"Right," Sarah agreed. "So how will we do that?"

"Okay, so Pope has a plan," John B explained.

"Sounds like Pope comes up with most of the plans," Lia remarked.

"The smart ones, anyway," Isa answered. The four chuckled, walking to the front door. "This one basically takes a pulley system..."

When Ward could no longer hear them, he walked out of the room he was in; the gaff hook had been sitting beside him in its holder.

At the front door, Ward walked outside to meet up with the four teens. "Hey."

Isa, John B, Lia and Sarah all stopped in their tracks, no longer speaking. "Hi."

"What are you four plotting?" Ward asked.

"Uh..." John B hesitated, unsure if Ward was serious or just joking. "The usual stuff."

Sarah smirked. "World domination."

Ward smiled. "That's my girls, always aiming high."

Lia gave a forced smile. "You know us."

Ward gestured to Isa and John B. "It's gonna have to wait a day, though, 'cause I'm taking these two kids fishing tomorrow morning. First light."

"Um..." Isa trailed off, taken by surprise.

"Just the three of us," Ward finished.

"No, they can't tomorrow," Lia told him.

Ward gave Lia a look. "Why not?"

Worlds Colliding (Outer Banks) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now