chapter 5 - Midsummers

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Same Day - Day One

Morning - Kildare Sheriff's Department - Interrogation Room

JJ was sitting at the table, waiting.

Peterkin walked in. "You're like a little rock in my shoe." She closed the door. "I shake my foot, I think I've gotten it out, then dang, there it is again."

JJ rested his hands behind his head as he leaned back in his chair. "Maybe watch where you're steppin'."

Peterkin dropped a file onto the table. "That little rock on the back of my heel makes me want to crush it."

"Okay," JJ said awkwardly.

Peterkin sat across from him. "Unlawful discharge with firearm." JJ crossed his arms. "Trespass on protected habitat. Felony destruction of property. All in the last two weeks. You're on a roll, chief."

"If you think I'm gonna rat anybody out, you got the wrong idea," JJ told her.

Peterkin sat back in her chair. "I know your little teen brain doesn't like to think ahead, but I want you to come with me to uncharted territory. The future. How you gonna feel six months from now, sittin' in juvenile prison in Wadesboro?" JJ didn't answer, looking away. Peterkin pulled out the photos of the shady men, showing them to JJ. "You know these two?" She stood, walking around the table toward JJ. "My question was, do you know these two?"

JJ hesitated before telling the truth. "They... they broke into Isa and John B's house, and I know they chased them down the street when Isa got electrocuted. And then chased us through the marsh with a gun. Kaylee got grazed by a bullet of theirs, but other than that, we were fine. Other than that, I have no idea."

Peterkin showed him pictures of their dead bodies. "Here's a more recent photo. Somebody gaffed them, then used them for chum.  Whatcha think, bull shark?" JJ looked sick from seeing these photos, trying not to retch. "Here's the bad news, chief. Whoever killed these two men is still out there, and I got reason to believe their next targets are friends of yours. Like you said, these two men already hurt Isa, John B and Kaylee. I'm sure the next targets from the person who killed these two men are Isa and John B. Who knows if any of your other friends could get hurt in the process. You kids don't think you're the only ones after the Royal Merchant now, do you? And yeah, I know about that, too."

Peterkin walked away.

JJ was worried. "Okay, Sheriff Peterkin, I can promise you they're not on it anymore."

Peterkin turned to face him. "So you say. I'm just trying to keep them safe. I want you to tell your friends Isa and John B to come in and talk to me, and let's see if we can keep you out of Wadesboro."

Peterkin walked out of the room. JJ looked down anxiously.



Peterkin walked toward her desk, sitting down.

Shoupe was sitting across the desk from her. "How'd it go?"

"Hopefully he's not as dumb as he looks," Peterkin remarked. "Set up some eyes on the Routledge place. Maybe we'll get lucky."

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