chapter 6 - Parcel 9

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Night - Hawk's Nest

During John B's fall/push from the Hawk's Nest, this time in the flashback, it was shown from his point of view, where he was seen panicking while falling knowing there was a chance he could get severely hurt or die.

John B: (voice over) "There are only three kinds of relationships in the animal kingdom.  The first is commensalism. One example? Fish finding hiding spots in coral reefs. Fish profit, but life for the coral doesn't change."

John B hit the ground.

Saran knelt next to John B.

Pope: (voice over) "What happened?"

Isa, Kaylee, JJ, Kie and Pope ran up to Sarah, freezing when they saw John B on the ground, barely moving with Sarah hovering over him, sobbing.

"Oh, my God," Kaylee said in horror.

Isa was absolutely horrified and could hardly breathe at the sight in front of her, fearful of losing her brother, sliding to her knees next to John B's side, taking his hand. The wind was blowing through Kaylee and Kie's hair as they looked worriedly at Isa, Sarah and John B. JJ was freaking out silently. Isa and Sarah were both crying and sobbing as wind blew through their hair.

Isa: (voice over) "Then there's mutualism. A relationship where both animals benefit from each other. The tricky thing about animals is you don't always know what kind of relationship you're in."



Same Day as Day Two of 1.05

Day One

Morning - Tannyhill Estate - Outside

Ward drove John B, Isa, Lia and Sarah home from the hospital that day. John B was in the passenger seat, and the three girls were in the backseat.

John B: (voice over) "Which brings us to relationship number three. The parasitic."

Ward removed his sunglasses. "Welcome home, kids."

Isa looked up at the gigantic house, playing with the bracelets on her wrist anxiously.


Inside - John B's Room

Lia and Sarah were giving Isa and John B an official grand tour of the mansion.

"This is your room, John B," Sarah told him, gesturing toward the open doorway as they walked in.

John B looked around, impressed by the size of the room. "Whoa."

John B threw his hat onto the large bed.

"This is probably bigger than our two rooms at the Chateau combined," Isa remarked. "This house is like one gigantic labyrinth. Probably gonna get lost a lot."

Lia chuckled. "And Isa, your room is right across the hall."

"Thanks," Isa said.

John B threw his backpack onto the bed.

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