"Of course." He seemed to think I was also overwhelmed, because he too stepped back and folded his hands behind him, "Mr. Sutcliffe had five other colleagues and they each had an apprentice, much like myself. Four of those apprentices are involved in this, not directly but I personally asked them to help. They have followed me back from our boarding school in Rome to assist me in closely analyzing the details of Mr. Sutcliffe's passing. They are waiting for us."

"Waiting for us where?"

"At the city university."

"These people ... you trust them?"

Bel nodded, "With my life."

"And everything else?" I didn't want to beat an already dead horse but it is important for him to understand that this isn't a game or just another search for lost artifacts. His life is on the line, so is mine – along with at least twenty thousand dollars, possibly more if he is right about this treasure. That is a lot to risk, especially since it is all balancing on the existence of a mythical fortune, "I don't need full disclosure right now but at some point, we will need to sit down – without distractions or places to go or friendly conversations with intense questions from your family."

Bel smiled down at his feet, "You know, this is also only going to work if we trust each other. You do not know me and I do not know you, and as far as we both know our families hate each other for reasons neither of us are quite certain of. But I am quite literally placing my life in your hands after meeting you only twice ... so I think it would not be entirely inappropriate to ask that you have some small faith in me as well."

He has a point and I suddenly felt bad for flying in here like a witch on her broomstick, making demands and barking orders.

"Okay. Fair enough." I agreed, "I will try to be a little more understanding."

He perked up, right back to the bounding puppy he had been moments ago, and politely steered me towards the door by the small of my back. I gave him one look and he pulled his hands away, "Right. No touching. My apologies, I will work on that."

"Thank you."

"As for your other request, it will be easier to explain all of this once we get to the university. All of my notes are there, it is the safest place. You will see why."

He held the front door open for me and we stepped out of his house as I was asking, "Do you have extra cash for the bus? I only brought enough to get here and I was planning to walk back-"

Bel answered by opening the door of a sleek silver car that had been pulled to the front of the circular driveway, "Your chariot awaits, mademoiselle."

I tried to hide my shock but I must have done so poorly.

He smirked, "You thought I would not know how to drive a car, did you?"

"Well ... maybe." I laughed shamefully, "Don't all you snobby – I mean, um, privileged – rich kids have limos and drivers that take you everywhere?"

Bel stood by the open door of his car and waited for me to slide into the passenger seat, "Not all of us, it would seem."

He closed my door and rounded the front of the car. When he sat down behind the steering wheel, the seat automatically adapted to his long legs and height by shifting down and back into its programmed measurements. The dashboard burst to life in neon blues and luminescent whites, which made the interior look as crisp as ice. Then the engine hummed to life without a single vibration to signal its rebirth, it was smooth and quiet and well controlled in Bel's hands.

"Damn." I breathed.

Bel shifted into drive and we rolled forward fluidly, "Impressed?"

My response was an unhinged jaw and stark wide eyes.

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