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[Requested by YoshiisaurusKokichi

[This is platonic too, sorry for the shortness

[Y/N's POV]

I was watching some anime and thanked Chihiro for letting me see his anime figures. I soon left his room and heard what I asummed was anime. I knocked on the door that scolded myself for doing so.


I saw Hifumi at the door and felt embarrassed I knocked on his door.

"Sorry, I heard your t.v. and knocked randomly"

"Oh, wanna watch?"
I shivered a tiny bit at it but peeked at the show and got curious.

"For a bit, I plan on making dinner with Aoi soon"

"This won't be too long"

"Alright then"
I opened the door and saw a bunch of pink figures as well as a anime-like show on.

"Who is this?"

"Do you not know who Princess Piggles is?"

"No, but I'm open to learn"

He sat down and moved some anime comics away for me to take a seat. I looked at the screen and saw a hugging scene go on. I felt childish wanting to ask whay was happening but I wasn't sure if it was meant for me.

[Show description]

Princess Piggles hugged her friend Prince Paker after defending the cat demon. Then another dog demon grabbed him out of her hands and lift him up high. Princess Piggles fell back and Angelia lifted her up coming back from the bathroom. Princess Piggles grabbed her wand and dashed to the side yelling to do the same. Angelia grabbed her sword and they both did a double attack on the dog demon, and Princess Piggles blasted the beam at it's heart. Everyone landed after falling and had some banter before heading to the homebase.


I took in the information as the credits played for the episode and looked over at Hifumi who looked like he was going to play another one.

"Hey, oh wait it's getting late"

"Ah, sorry if I've kept you long"

"Its ok, I'm glad I got to see a... anime?"

"It's a childhood show of mine"

"Ah, why would you watch it then?"

"I gain attachment to thing easily"
I slowly stepped to his door getting what he said and nodded my head, leaving his dorm. I saw how dark the lights were and got my phone to light my path.

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