"I've been good, what about you?"

"Also good"

Xiao knew Venti was comfortable by the sudden make-out so he dragged him somewhere far away. "Who's that?"

"My sister's wife"

"She looks pretty"

"I know, but she's very strict, could be annoying sometimes"

"Wait, so if it's your sister's wife, then she's also a Princess?"

"Yeah, oh by the way I think you are supposed to take your lesson now..."

"What lesson?"

"You know what, you don't have to do it. I'm afraid Ningguang might be too strict to you, so let's just sleep"

"After all those practices... It makes sense that you are tired so sure" And so they both head to the prince's room. Venti wasn't tired, but Xiao sure is. "Wait- I should head to my room-"

"No, stay here until I fall asleep"

"But why?"

"I don't know, just stay, ugh"

"Jeez" it went silent for a good twenty-two minutes, the prince isn't showing any sign of being asleep, and it irritates both of them more "Are you seriously not gonna sleep yet?"

"I can't sleep, okay?"

"Then sleep!"

"I said I can't!"

"Shut your eyes and then sleep"

"It is better if you shut your mouth" Venti rolled his eyes. "Hey, can you sing?" Xiao asked, his voice was really low, probably scared and embarrassed.

"You said I should shut my mouth so I'm not answering that" he teased.

"Answer it, goddamnit"

"Argh, fine. Maybe I can, happy?"

"Sing for me"

"Pardon?" Venti blinked twice. "You heard me, stop pretending"

"Hehehehe, what song?"

"Any, I just want to sleep, I'm so tired"

"Uh alright" he clears his throat and started singing

You're alone

You're on your own

So what, have you gone blind?

Have you forgotten what you have and what is yours?

His voice was relaxing, it was beautiful... It is almost like a blessing to Xiao's ears.

Glass half empty, glass half full

Well, either way you won't be going thirsty

Count your blessings not your flaws

Ahh... So nice...

You've got it all

You lost your mind in the sound

There's so much more, you can reclaim your crown

You're in control

Rid of the monsters inside your head

Put all your faults to bed

You can be King again


"You are still awake!?"

"How am I supposed to sleep if I'm listening to your voice!"

"Xiao that's the point why I'm singing! To make you sleep-" they heard a knock on the door and Venti quickly checked who it was. Peeking from the door, he could see this scary Ningguang lady. "H-hey!"

"Alatus. I am taking her for a while"

"Ugh, just go"


He got dragged into some sort of living room area? He wasn't sure, all he saw was a cozy couch, fireplace, table, and some books. "You will now have your lesson as the princess. You will have to learn the rules of this castle, all seven hundred ninety-two of them."


"Yes, you heard me right"

"That's too many!!"

"You shouldn't complain over little things. This is only your first step, you still got a lot to learn" she grabbed one book and started randomly reading it.

"Read all the rules again and again and you'll achieve your goal. I'll come back here later and hope you memorize at least thirty-five of it. We will proceed into our next step once we meet again. I will take my leave" she left while still reading the book, causing Venti to freeze.

"What the- I think I'm going to die... Xiao wasn't wrong when he said she was strict. Miss gurl, why are you rushing!?"

"It's because they are aware of the great King's death"

Xiaoven Royal AuWhere stories live. Discover now