Ch.12 - Cirsium

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Ch.12 - Cirsium

( AN - Apologies for being a day late. Been sick the last few days, but luckily it's not the virus-that-shall-not-be-named.)

For someone who had been practically glued to his side for the last few weeks, Bakugou had been surprised when the annoying half-elf didn't stop by his room at some ridiculous hour. While he at first was happy, seeing as he could sleep early, he tossed and turned most of the night, trying to figure out why exactly you didn't appear.

So the following morning, he sauntered through the main area of the guild, trying to find the usual mess of hair and slightly pointed ears. He didn't see any sign of you though, making him hum in irritation. Was he really going to go out of his way to try and find you?

Why should he? You were just a guildmate, at the most, and one that constantly got on his nerves at that. He should just take a seat at an open table, order something to eat and try to ignore the other annoying magic users around him.

Despite saying that was what he should be doing, he for some reason wandered up to a few of the other girls, standing menacingly until they took notice of him and turned to look at him.

"What is it, Bakugou-kun?" Uraraka asked, seeing that the boy had never come to talk to her or Tsuyu out of the blue before.

"You see the fucking elf?" He raised a brow.

Uraraka and Tsuyu hummed. Each closed their eyes and seemed to be trying to see if they had seen you around lately. Uraraka replied back to Bakugou first, shaking her head before her words formed.

"Not today." Uraraka frowned. "She usually hangs around too... Did you check the guild library?"

"I was there earlier." Tsuyu spoke up. "I didn't see her."

"Where could she be then?" Uraraka looked to be getting worried now as well. "I hope she's okay."

"The last I saw her was last night." Tsuyu recalled. "She was heading to her room with a few books, maybe she's in the midst of a good read right now."

Uraraka nodded her head. "That must be it! (Name)-chan loves to read! I bet she's just lost track of time! So there you go, Bakugou-kun! Though, I'm curious why you wanted to know where (Name)-chan is in the first place?"

Uraraka had turned to face Bakugou again, as she and Tsuyu had been looking at each other during their dual recollections. But now, the space beside them both was empty and the only sign of Bakugou was his retreating figure a ways away.

"I wonder what's gotten into him?" Uraraka puffed out her cheeks.

"Maybe they are secret lovers?" Tsuyu smiled, finding humor in her statement.

"Tsuyu-chan!" Uraraka sputtered out giggles. "Could you imagine? That would be such a shock!"

As the pair fell back into talking about whatever it was they had been talking about, Bakugou had made his way out of the main hall of the guild and was now making his way to the guild's sleeping quarters. Most members rented a private room monthly, Bakugou included, so it would be the most logical place to check first.

He stopped as he reached the first floor and looked at the directions. To the right, was the boy's side, and to the left was the girl's side. It was like this on every floor, with the stairwell being the divide between each side.

Bakugou looked at the directory pinned to the wall, seeing the names of those who were on this floor along with the rooms open to rent. Your name didn't catch his eye, so he continued onto the second floor. He didn't see it there either, but when he reached the third floor, he did. The very last room on the girl's side. Should be easy enough to find then.

Star-Crossed (Fantasy AU - Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt