Ch.4 - Rosemarinus Officinalis

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Ch.4 - Rosemarinus Officinalis

Normalcy seemed to return to the guild after the incident last week. The day of the strange lovesick incident wasn't spoken about past the immediate day afterward unless guild members wanted to be threatened with death by Bakugou. But after the fun had been had, everyone returned back to their usual work and antics.

The request board was slowly starting to pick up requests again and that luckily meant the guild was pretty empty. The best part to a certain ash-blonde though? It was that the annoying half-elf had gone on a quest with a few of the other girls and thus, he didn't have to see her stupid face.

He had tried his best to not be around her these last few days, seeing as he didn't want to possibly deal with the bullshit that the potion seller told him. His heart was no longer beating frantically like when the bee had stung him, but now that he was aware of any sort of possible affections, he couldn't help but feel his heart pick up ever so slightly when his mind wandered to you.

It resulted in a lot of screaming and swearing when he realized he was doing such. It was a good thing he lived alone, as he would have surely bothered any and all roommates he had. The only person that would hear his frustrated screams was himself, and by the time the end of the week rolled around, he was about ready to either rip his heart out or try and use an amnesia spell to forget about these damn feelings.

He at first tried to convince himself that the potion seller was full of bullshit. That the man had been pulling his leg for taking extra time to catch that damn bee he was seeking. But as time went by and Bakugou got to think about it more and more, he started to possibly see that the potion seller might have not been too far off. There had been two bees with different shades of pink that day...

That memory rightly pissed the dragonbourne off. He wasn't the type to fall for something as trivial and cliche as love, let alone fall in love. But as he was now aware of such things and discovered his mind would often wander to such thoughts when nothing else could hold his attention, he started to discover how frustrating these feelings were.

He wanted to bury them. To destroy them. At the very least... ignore them.

But he couldn't for some reason. He was stuck always ending up thinking about them and the person they were tied to - you.

As confused as he was about how these feelings existed in him, he was just as confused, if not more, about how and when these feelings started to emerge.

After an afternoon of thinking about it, the ash-blonde could only come up with one event that could have any sort of possibility of causing such a reaction in him towards you- the day you both met.

It wasn't the simple boy meets girl love story that would often be printed in monthly novellas or chronicles that often littered the hands of several guild members. No, the meeting between him and you had been as unconventional as could be.

It was about a year ago if his memory wasn't betraying him. He had gotten his ass kicked by you and almost became soul-bonded to that criminal as well, but luckily hadn't. Maybe that was when they started?

Bakugou growled as he laid in his bed, brow twitching as he stared up at the ceiling. That had to be it. That one single moment, the one time he lost a fight. Fuck... was he really the type of guy who got off to the idea of being overpowered?

No! That was ridiculous.

He was stronger than you in every way! You had just managed to get lucky that one fucking time! Even if the shitty half-dragon hadn't shown up, he would have turned it around and beaten you down like he did every enemy.

Star-Crossed (Fantasy AU - Bakugou Katsuki x Reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt