Invasion Part 4

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DEO, 3 minutes before meeting Constantine

Diana, Hal, Victor, and Hank talk in the conference room while Oliver, Bruce, and Barry talk about this " Warlock" Oliver mentioned

Oliver: " His name is John Constantine. He's an Occult Investigator from England. I met him on Lian yu. He helped bring Sara back from the dead and is traveling with the legends currently. He's the only person I know that has dealt with threats like this and he might have some info on who's helping the appelaxians."

Bruce: "Where can we find him?" Bruce plainly asked as Oliver replied.

Oliver: " Los Angeles, Lux but we need to get there fast and I don't think we have much time." Oliver says and Bruce replies.

Bruce: " Maybe we could-" And before Bruce even completes the statement, Barry speeds them there.

Los Angeles

Barry: " We're here," He says as both Oliver and Bruce look around and gain consciousness.

" And when did you change our clothes?" Oliver asked.

" Right now. Don't worry, I didn't see anything."

" So, this is the is where we can meet him?"  Bruce asked as Oliver replies.

Oliver: " I know it's an odd place but the guy gets the work done.

Oliver knocks at the club's door as a man dressed in a trench coat appears with his hands around two ladies.

Bruce: "Is this him?" Bruce asks as Oliver replies.

Oliver: "I'm afraid so."

" So, the other day, I was traveling through time with these idiots, and we-" He stops as he sees Oliver.

Oliver: "Hello, John," Oliver says.

"You gals go; I'll meet you later," He says in a British accent as the girls leave.

" What are you doing here, mate?" He asks as he sets his tie right.

Bruce: " We need your help," Bruce says as John asks.

John Constantine: "We haven't met yet. John Constantine," He says, offering his hand. Bruce shrugs it off, and John resumes his conversation with Oliver.

Oliver: " It's important, John. The world is at stake here ." Oliver says as the man's face turns dull. He mutters something inaudible.

'Oh bullocks' 


Outside the club, 5 mins later

Constantine: " What!!!" John screamed as he heard what the situation was.

" The Artifacts got stolen?!!! What the hell happened?"  He asked as Barry, Bruce, and Oliver looked down. 

Barry: " The Appelaxians stole the artifacts from National City's Museum and they might activate Khandaq's warriors and we need your help."

Constantine: " Well, There's no use fighting, You've already lost. Once those merry band of warriors rises, all that'll be left of earth is a bunch of dirt." Constantine said and took a bottle from his pocket and opened it to drink. Bruce, irritated by Constantine's tone pushed the bottle aside and grabbed him by the collar.

Bruce: " Listen here, teapot. You're going to come with us and help us. Earth isn't going to be turned into a pile of dirt on our watch. I don't care how hopeless you are, Not everyone wants to die. Now man up, shut your trap and help us." He said with a tone of anger and a busload of worry which no one could detect.  

Selina and Helena's death was a thought that in any circumstances, shouldn't turn into reality and in order to make that possible, He'll set straight any number of English assholes.

John was a very big ass, But he had brains and a heart( A very small one, nonetheless) to identify Bruce's worry, and as much as he didn't want to save the world again, he couldn't let everyone around him down, not again.

 He left the legends because he couldn't bear the weight of the fact that it was him that brought Neron upon them( The Damien Darkh, Eobard Thawne, and Malcolm Merlyn thing hasn't happened yet cause I'm saving them for something else and season 1 didn't happen so captain cold doesn't die and neither does rip like in season 3), it was him that failed Dez and it wasn't going to be him who was going to fail earth.

John: " Fine! But listen, mate, this isn't going to be easy. These artifacts are a source of extreme power. They need a powerful warlock to unlock its potential. More powerful than me. I doubt they'll find someone but you need to subdue that warlock if you're going to save yourselves." John said and brushed Bruce's hand off him.

Barry: " How do we find him?" Asked Barry from a corner.

John: " There aren't many with that kind of power. I'll see what I can do. I will contact you when I find him. Meanwhile, All you can do is prepare for the fight." John says and walks out of the alley.



SORRYYYYY!!!!!! I am so sorry for not posting. I don't have an excuse but hey I'm back and I have a lot of things planned and a lot of them are in progress so keep an eye out for them.

See you

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