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The strong scent from the hospital hurts Beomgyu's nose, and he is now awake. He feels like he wanted to sleep more, but recalling what happened a while ago makes him jolt awake.

Soobin is the first person he saw beside him. "Where's Yeonjun?"

"When my brother and I arrived, he is not there. I'm glad that you're not badly hurt! Taehyun is also there, and the gunshot on his chest is fatal, but he survived. Is it because of Yeonjun?" Soobin asked, feeling afraid for the next thing that he will hear from his best friend.

"Yeonjun saved him, and he sacrificed himself! I need to find him!" Beomgyu got up from the hospital bed, but Soobin stopped him.

"How can we find him if we have no idea about his whereabouts? He could be in the other realm because his time as a grim reaper is over. I'm sorry Gyu," Soobin looked at him with sadness.

It's hard to accept that he is gone, and it makes him cry in grief.

"But I have good news. I don't know if it's considered a good one. My brother found his body in the neighboring town, and he's in a coma just like Kai before. We can visit him if you wanted to," Soobin said that made Beomgyu agree in less than a minute.

"Please take me to him," Beomgyu stood up.

It took them an hour to arrive at the town, and they immediately went to the information desk.

"What is your relationship with the patient? It's been four years since he had his last visit, and I thought that his family and only friend died." The middle-aged nurse said with sympathy.

"We're friends, and this guy is his special someone," Soobin replied.

"I'm glad that he is not alone at all. It feels lonely that he is fighting by himself. He's in room 304." She smiled.

"Thank you for taking care of him," Beomgyu said before leaving.

Both of them feels excited to open the door, and they went in. They are staring at Yeonjun, who looks pale and fragile.


Yeonjun is in the familiar dark, eerie place where judgment day will hold. He is kneeling in front of the God of Death, who is giving him a meaningful look.

"Any last words?" The deep voice of the deity echoed.

"I will accept whatever punishment awaits me. I know I broke some rules, but I don't have any regrets." Yeonjun said.

The God started laughing, and Yeonjun has no idea if it's an evil laugh or the sarcastic laugh. Yeonjun prepared himself for the painful punishment that he can't handle.

"You thought that breaking rules are wrong? Well, I learned something from seeing your journey. Unconditional love only has a rule of protecting loved ones, no matter what circumstances await. I understand all of your intentions, and you're different from those grim reapers who received their punishment. Listen, they used their abilities for selfish reasons that hurt other people. I made you a grim reaper to test you if you're going to avenge mercilessly to those people respond to your fall down." God's words almost feel like unimaginable for him to say. Yeonjun gave him a confused look.

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